Sunday, March 24, 2019

HIV and Tuberculosis are co-epidemic Common symptoms of Tuberculosis

24th March is celebrated as World Tuberculosis Day every year and marks the need for awareness about the disease and its treatment to make the world free of the disease completely. Millions of people around the world suffer from tuberculosis and many are not even diagnosed. The disease can be fatal if not treated in time and properly.

It is important to be aware of the disease that causes so many deaths around the world. It is also extremely essential to know about the complications, risk factors, symptoms and treatment of the disease to make sure that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease and the bacteria usually attack the lungs. The bacteria are airborne and can spread to other people when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Here are 5 facts about the disease that you must know.

Tuberculosis affects not just your lungs
Tuberculosis is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria mostly attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body like the spine or the kidneys. Symptoms of such tuberculosis include regular symptoms like fever and chills. Apart from these, tuberculosis may affect the functioning of that particular organ. For example, tuberculosis of the spine may cause severe backaches and in the kidneys, it may cause blood in the urine.

Tuberculosis is more common than you think
According to WHO, Tuberculosis is one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. 2017 saw 10 million cases of TB illness, and 1.6 million people out of those died from the disease. In the same year, about 1 million children became ill with TB and 230000 of them died of the disease. The disease is much more serious than people perceive it to be.

HIV and Tuberculosis are co-epidemic
The two infections are known to be closely linked to each other, so much so that they are called a co-epidemic. According to the IFRC, in the last 15 years, cases of TB have almost doubled in countries where cases of HIV were already high. Many people infected with HIV contract TB as the first sign of AIDS. Tuberculosis is a leading cause of death among people living with HIV in Africa and also in other countries.

Common symptoms of Tuberculosis
Common symptoms of tuberculosis include fever, chills, sweat while sleeping at night, a cough that lasts for weeks, blood in cough, loss of appetite and chest pain. These symptoms can be easily confused with symptoms of any other disease, like the common flu. However, if things get serious and symptoms like blood in cough start to show up, it is really important to visit the doctor and get yourself tested.

Ending Tuberculosis one of the sustainable goals of development
Global goals or also known as sustainable goals of development includes ending the TB epidemic by the end of 2030. According to WHO, the incidence of TB is falling at about 2% per year currently.

Symptoms,Causes,Treatment of an aneurysm and meaning

Emily Clarke, the famous British actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen on the blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, which is due to release its final season in April 2019, made revelations about her life and her battle with bad health in an essay titled A Battle for My Life published on Thursday, 21st of March, reported a leading daily.

The actress wrote about her struggle that she went through when she had to go through two surgeries of the brain that nearly took her life and also the recovery from them. The health issues started in 2011 after she had wrapped up the very first season of the show and it happened in the gym while she was working out with her trainer and felt a severe headache. The headache later turned into unconsciousness and was later diagnosed as a stroke, an aneurysm. What followed was a dreadful surgery of 3 hours on the actress's brain. In 2013, regular scans that Emily had with the hospital revealed that her second aneurysm had grown double in size and needed another surgery. The surgery was unsuccessful, and the recovery from it was extremely difficult. Chances of survival were very thin.

Here is everything you need to know about an aneurysm – the causes, treatment, symptoms and more.

According to the American Heart Association, an aneurysm occurs when the artery walls become weak, which causes them to balloon out, or widen abruptly. An aneurysm can occur anywhere, but the most common ones occur in the brain – cerebral aneurysm, a major artery in the heart – aortic aneurysm, leg behind the knee – popliteal artery aneurysm, intestine – mesenteric artery aneurysm, an artery in the spleen – splenic artery aneurysm.

Causes of aneurysm
The causes of an aneurysm are unknown but the common ones could be congenital – meaning a person is born with them, or an aortic injury that can cause the aneurysm. While a history of the disease in the family also puts you at risk of it, lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and lifestyle choices like smoking may also have some link to the aneurysm and its causes.

Symptoms of aneurysm
An aneurysm can develop over the years and show no symptoms. It mostly only shows symptoms when it expands quickly or ruptures, and those symptoms may include:

Nausea and vomits
Low blood pressure
Rapid Heart Rate
If any of these symptoms are seen, it could mean that the aneurysm has ruptured, or something serious has happened to the body. The patient should be taken to a hospital at the earliest.

Treatment of an aneurysm
A ruptured aneurysm calls for an emergency and needs to be looked at as soon as possible. No or delayed treatment of a ruptured aneurysm can be fatal. If you have been diagnosed with an unruptured aneurysm, you may need to keep a check on it with the help of regular scans and tests, so that the rupture can be prevented. Some aneurysm may even require surgery to prevent rupture, or even after the rupture.

How to reduce your risk?
There are some lifestyle changes that you can make and reduce your risk of an aneurysm, especially if you or your family has a history of aneurysm. Make sure you eat healthily, exercise regularly, keep your heart healthy by keeping blood pressure under control and bad cholesterol reduced. You should also quit smoking, and manage stress better with yoga and meditation to keep the risk at the minimum.

Doctor Convicted Of Euthanasia Hits The Stage In Spain Theatre

Advancing on slowly onto the stage of a Madrid theatre, Marcos Hourmann introduces himself.
"I am the first doctor convicted in Spain for practising euthanasia," he informs the public at the tiny Teatro del Barrio in the Lavapies neighbourhood which is known for its leftist roots.
"I wish that tonight you judge me," he later adds during the play which premiered on Thursday and which recounts Hourmann´s real life experiences.
The play, called "Celebrare mi muerte" or "I Will Celebrate My Death", comes as Spain gears up for a snap general election on April 28.
Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has promised to make Spain the fourth country in Europe to legalise euthanasia after Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands if he wins a majority in parliament -- a move fiercely opposed by the main opposition conservative Popular Party (PP).
"This is a gift that I am being given, to be able to spew" words never before said Hourmann, a 59-year-old Argentine-born doctor who was convicted of killing a terminally ill patient without trial.
During the 75-minute play he recounts how in March 2005 he was the duty doctor at a hospital in Tarragona in northeastern Spain when an 82-year-old woman named Carmen who had colon cancer and multiple other ailments arrived.
Hourmann tells the audience that the woman told him twice that she wanted to die but he first did what was expected of him -- he tried to save her life. When there was no more hope legally sedated her to ease her pain.
But a nurse later woke him up "because Carmen continued to choke. Her daughter told me: 'I can't see her like that'," he adds during the play.
Hourmann then gave Carmen with a fatal dose of potassium chloride.
"If I could no longer help her live, isn't it my duty as a doctor to help her die?," Hourmann asks the audience.
Just two weeks before he was set to go on trial in 2009, public prosecutors proposed a plea deal which Hourmann accepted.
Instead of facing a possible ten year sentence for homicide, he was convicted of the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter and handed a one year suspended sentence, meaning he did not spend any time behind bars.
Hourmann moved to Britain where he worked as a doctor but in 2010 British tabloid The Sun launched a campaign against him, dubbing him a "killer doctor" and he became unemployed.
A voice off stage asks Hourmann during the play why he registered Carmen's cause of death as being by lethal injection, which is what led to him being charged.
"If I did not write it, it would be going against my ideas," he responds, adding he rejects "hypocrisies".
"End pain"
The play is careful to include the arguments of experts and lawmakers who are "totally opposed to euthanasia," its director, Alberto San Juan, said.
A doctor argues in one scene that medical ethics allow physicians to "end pain" but prohibit "ending a patient's life".
Euthanasia has long grabbed public attention in Spain, which has the world's second-highest life expectancy.
Spanish-Chilean director Alejandro Amenabar won the Oscar for best foreign language film in 2005 for "The Sea Inside", based on the real story of a paraplegic Spanish fisherman's 29-year campaign to win the right to end his own life with assisted suicide.
Fully 84 percent of Spaniards back euthanasia for terminally ill patients who conserve their mental faculties, according to a survey published last year in daily newspaper La Vanguardia.
Spain's ruling Socialists in June presented a draft law on legalising euthanasia which was backed by far-left party Podemos but the PP and centre-right Ciudadanos blocked it in a parliamentary committee in October.
"The Socialist party is expert in creating inexistant problems," PP leader Pablo Casado at the time, adding the state should not intervene in people's "conscience".

Over $7.4 Million Donated To Help Families In New Zealand Mosque Shooting

More than NZ$10.8 million ($7.4 million) in public donations has been received so far to help families of the 50 people killed in New Zealand's mosque shootings, according to a pair of fund-raising websites.

A support fund on New Zealand site had received NZ$8,271,847 from more than 91,000 donors as of Sunday, while, a global crowdfunding platform focused on Muslims, had netted NZ$2,546,126 from over 40,000 donors.

The slaughter of 50 people at Friday prayers in two Christchurch mosques on March 15 shocked the normally laid-back country and prompted global horror, heightened by the gunman's cold-blooded livestreaming of the massacre.

Since then, New Zealanders have responded with an outpouring of support for the country's small Muslim community.

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said last week that the country would cover the costs of burying the 50 victims as well as "repatriation costs for any family members who would like to move their loved ones away from New Zealand."

The attack also left dozens of people injured, some critically.

Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian white supremacist, was arrested within minutes of the massacre and has been charged with murder.

US Man Posed As Instagram Star, Spent $800 On Uber To Assault Teen: Cops

A Florida man has been arrested and accused of using Instagram to lure a 17-year-old girl across two states to his home, then sexually assaulting her.

An arrest affidavit alleges that Richard Brown, 25, struck up a friendship with the girl via Instagram, claiming to be 19 years old and a star on the social media platform, an Orlando CBS affiliate reported. The girl allegedly told police she had run away from home and had been speaking with Brown through the app for three months until he decided to bring her to Florida.

Police say Brown paid over $800 for Uber rides that brought the girl through Texas and Louisiana and finally to his home in Apopka, Florida. The teenager told police that when she found out she had been lied to, she wanted to go home, but that he told her "No, you owe me now for bringing you all the way here," an ABC affiliate reported.

The girl told police that she was sexually battered over a three-day period and was able to escape on Wednesday when Brown fell asleep. She contacted her mother and called 911.

Brown told police that he was "only friends" with the teen and that she had needed a place to stay. He denied having sexual contact with her and said he thought she was 18, according to the affidavit.

"We see several inconsistencies with this affidavit," Brown's attorney said, according to a local Fox affiliate. "The victim said to police she met Mr. Brown through Instagram but somehow her account was hacked" and she "couldn't download the messages to show police."

Brown and his attorney could not immediately be reached by The Washington Post for comment.

Brown was arrested Thursday and booked in an Orange County jail. He faces multiple felony charges, including sexual battery of a child age 12 to 17 by a person over 18; contributing to the delinquency of a minor; and sexual acts with a 16- or 17-year-old child, according to the county's website.

Norway Cruise Ship Towed To Port After As Many As 500 People Rescued

Rescue services had airlifted 479 people to safety from a luxury cruise liner with engine trouble off the coast of Norway by Sunday morning and began towing the vessel to a nearby port.
The Viking Sky, with 1,373 passengers and crew on board, sent out a mayday signal on Saturday as it drifted towards land in the Norwegian Sea.
The airlift of passengers, many of them elderly, from the Viking Cruises ship by helicopter was halted on Sunday morning as two tugboats started steering the vessel towards the nearest port.
Founder and chairman of Viking Cruises, Norwegian billionaire Torstein Hagen, said he hoped the vessel would arrive at the port of Molde on Norway's west coast by Sunday afternoon.
"They've had a bit of a shocking experience," Hagen told Norwegian TV2 and other media after meeting passengers who had been hoisted one by one from the ship's deck in stormy weather.
"Most of our passengers are senior citizens ... imagine what it's like to hang there on that wire. It must be a terrible experience but they seem to have handled it very well," Hagen said.
The helicopters are on standby in case the captain decides to restart the airlift, the rescue service said.
The 915 passengers were mainly from the United States and Britain, the rescue services said. There were also Canadians and Australians on board, among others, the cruise company said.
Some 20 injured passengers had been taken to hospital, Viking Cruises said, while others had only minor injuries.
One was taken to St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim and others were taken to local hospitals.
"Many have also been traumatised by the experience and need care when they arrive on shore," the Norwegian Red Cross said.
The ship has been able to restart three of its four engines on Sunday morning but still needed assistance.
The tugboats, one in front and the other behind, were towing the ship at 7 knots (13 kilometres per hour). The vessel is about 80 kms from Molde, Norway's maritime rescue service said.
Stormy weather conditions had improved by early Sunday, with winds down to 14 metres per second from 24 metres per second, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute said. The wind is expected to drop further during Sunday.
Images and video posted by passengers on social media showed furniture sliding around and panels falling from the ceiling as the vessel drifted in waves of up to eight metres (26 feet), and passengers earlier described the ordeal.
"We were having lunch when it began to shake. Window panes were broken and water came in. It was just chaos. The trip on the helicopter, I would rather forget. It was not fun," American passenger John Curry told public broadcaster NRK on Saturday.
The stretch of water known as Hustadvika and surrounding areas are known for fierce weather and shallow waters dotted with reefs.
Built in 2017, the Viking Sky is 227 metres long (745 feet) and 29 metres wide, the Viking Ocean Cruises website said.
"We all want to know how this could have happened," company chairman Hagen said. "I'm sure there will be plenty of time to point fingers at what could and should have been done, but that's for later."
"Something like this shouldn't happen, but it has."

Royal Advisor Fired Over Khashoggi Murder Absent From Saudi Trail

A Saudi royal adviser fired over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is not among the 11 suspects on trial at secretive hearings in Riyadh despite Saudi pledges to bring those responsible to justice, sources familiar with the matter said.

The Saudi public prosecutor indicted 11 unnamed suspects in November, including five who could face the death penalty on charges of "ordering and committing the crime."

The CIA and some Western countries believe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing, which Saudi officials deny.

Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide to Prince Mohammed until he was sacked then sanctioned by the US Treasury over his suspected role, is not on trial and has not appeared at any of the four court sessions convened since January, said seven sources, who are familiar with the proceedings but have not attended the trial.

Two regional intelligence sources told Reuters weeks after the killing that Qahtani oversaw Khashoggi's murder and dismemberment by giving orders via Skype to a team of security and intelligence operatives.

The Saudi public prosecutor said in November that Qahtani had coordinated with deputy intelligence chief Ahmed al-Asiri, who ordered the repatriation of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist who had become a vocal critic of the crown prince's policies following years as a royal insider.

The prosecutor said Qahtani had met the operatives charged with Khashoggi's repatriation ahead of their journey to Istanbul. When Khashoggi resisted, the lead negotiator decided to kill him, according to the prosecutor.

Asiri is on trial, the seven sources told Reuters.

Three of the sources said that Maher Mutreb, the lead negotiator, and Salah al-Tubaigy, a forensic expert specialised in autopsies, are
 also on trial and could face the death penalty.

The sources said the defendants have legal counsel and have defended themselves in court by claiming they did not intend to kill Khashoggi or were merely carrying out orders.

The public prosecutor, the government media office, Qahtani and Asiri did not respond to requests for comment on the status of the trial. Reuters could not reach Mutreb, Tobaigy or any of the defendants' lawyers.

Saudi Arabia wants to move on from the global outcry sparked by Khashoggi's killing in the kingdom's Istanbul consulate last October, which tarnished the crown prince's reputation, prompted some investors to pull out, and intensified criticism of the country's human rights record.

A credible investigation and trial are among Western demands to restore Saudi Arabia's standing after the killing. But Riyadh has refused to cooperate with a UN inquiry, rejecting it as interference in its internal affairs.

It is unclear what evidence, if any, has been presented in court. Khashoggi's remains have not been discovered, and Riyadh says it has not received evidence requested from Ankara, which says it has recordings related to the killing in which Qahtani features prominently.

A senior Turkish official said Ankara had shared all the necessary information with Saudi Arabia but that the cooperation had not been reciprocated. Turkey wants Riyadh to answer questions including where Khashoggi's body is and who the Saudis standing trial in Riyadh are.

Three of the sources said a representative for the Khashoggi family attended at least one session to ask for an update on the public prosecutor's investigation into Qahtani and for him to be brought before the court.

Qahtani has continued to wield influence in the crown prince's inner circle and remains active on behalf of the royal court, Western, Arab and Saudi sources with links to the royal court told Reuters in January.

A Saudi official denied that at the time and said Qahtani remains under investigation and banned from travel.

Access to the trial has been limited to diplomats from the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Turkey who are summoned on short notice and barred from bringing interpreters.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

50-Year-Old French Mayor Quits Over Nude Photos Sent To Woman

A mayor in northwest France close to Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has resigned after several nude pictures of him were released by a woman who claims she was the victim of unwanted advances.

Philippe's office Friday welcomed the resignation, describing it as a "responsible decision".

Luc Lemonnier, a 50-year-old father of four who replaced Philippe as mayor of the Channel port city of Le Havre in 2017, announced his resignation on Thursday in order to "protect his family."

He denied improper behaviour, saying "the exchange of messages occurred without any coercive intent and between consenting adults."

Lemonnier had filed a libel suit last June over the publication of the text messages, though prosecutors later dropped the case.

"Municipal council members received a picture of the mayor along with a description of behaviours which he denies," Lemonnier's lawyer Christian Saint-Palais told news agency AFP.

But the woman who released the photos said she felt she had no other option.

"It was a very difficult situation," she told a local radio station this week, on condition of anonymity.

"I've been married for more than 20 years, I have children and our relationship is fulfilling -- I was not involved at all in any games of seduction," she said.

The mayor's resignation is an embarrassment for the centrist Republic on the Move government which is hoping to win over Philippe's former political stronghold in the 2020 municipal elections.

Before signing on as prime minister to President Emmanuel Macron in 2017, Philippe served, both as mayor and as a member of parliament for Le Havre, as a member of the conservative party the Republicans.

Why some young adult engage in unsafe sex reasons revealed

Factors such as gender, sexual orientation and the desire to form lasting romantic relationships appear to influence sexual risk-taking among young adults, a new study suggests. The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research, categorised people into three groups -- heterosexual men, heterosexual women, and homosexual men -- and found that all three had a preference for different condom negotiation strategies.

Heterosexual men tended to choose more passive strategies (and were most likely to agree to sex without a condom); heterosexual women tended to choose more assertive strategies (like withholding sex). Homosexual men tended to aim for a balance, choosing more verbal strategies than heterosexual men, but selecting strategies that were not confrontational.

The findings also explain some of the motives and reasoning that influence risky behaviours. For example, the study found that heterosexual women were more willing to take risks when the couple has a stronger relationship motivation.

"It is particularly striking that women had lower expectations that their partner would be interested in condom use - this highlights how challenging heterosexual women expect the negotiation of condom use to be," said lead author Shayna Skakoon-Sparling from the University of Guelph, Canada.

For the study, the team involved 157 heterosexual men, 177 heterosexual women, and 106 homosexual men, aged between 18-25 years. Participants were presented with a vignette describing an encounter with a hypothetical new sexual or romantic partner and were asked to rate their attitudes and likelihood of choosing particular courses of action, as well as their relationship motivation. The findings may help explain why some young people engage in unsafe sex even though they are aware of the risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, cervical cancer and unplanned pregnancy.

How can Holi colours affect pregnant women and their babies?

Holi is a beautiful Hindu spring festival celebrated every year with much fun and frolic. But the festival can take a toll on your health, considering the amount of water and colour one ends up playing with on Holi. Traditionally, Holi colours were made from natural sources such as flowers, spices berries, and other plants that are considered safe to play with. However, modern versions of coloured powder and liquids thrown during the festival contain toxic agents posing serious health risks. Chemical colours can severely affect pregnant women and infants.

Usually, herbal gulaal, also known as chemical free colours, are flooding the market as the festival approaches. But experts warned that these so-called organic colours ‘deemed safe and eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic colours’ are unlikely to be free of toxic substances. One of the best ways to find out whether the herbal colours you bought from the supermarket is organic is to get tested.

Researchers have found that modern versions of Holi colours contain toxic chemicals that may cause damage to the eyes, skin and lungs.

How can Holi colours affect pregnant women and their babies?
Modern versions of Holi colours are made out of dyes, chemicals, or may contain heavy metals or even pieces of crushed glass. According to BabyCenter, these metals such as lead oxide, copper sulphate can harm you and your unborn baby in a number of ways, including the nervous and respiratory systems. In severe cases of exposure, they can prove fatal, resulting in miscarriage, preterm birth or low birth weight.

Can pregnant women play Holi?
Yes, certainly, but with some precautions. Homemade colours made using ingredients such as fruits and flowers are considered safe. Moreover, natural colours made from herbal or vegetable dyes are also considered safe pregnant women and their unborn babies. It is believed that most herbal dyes also use floral or herbal extracts that act as antioxidants as well.

However, you need to be cautious of the label ‘natural’ or ‘organic’, considering the fact that the terms are being used very loosely nowadays. Moreover, there are no regulations that control the production of Holi colours. For instance, natural henna is considered safe, but black henna may cause allergic contact dermatitis due to the presence of paraphenylendiamine (PPD) in it. This means, there’s a probability that colours containing either of these forms of Henna will also be labelled as ‘natural’.

So, if you’re expecting and are planning to play Holi, the best option would be to opt for colours made at home. This will help you enjoy the festival of colours without worrying about the effects the colour might have on you or your baby. If you do not have the time to make colours at home, you need to be very careful about where you buy from.

Remember, a little planning and some compromise can help you enjoy the festival without some of the unpleasant pregnancy problems afterwards.

What are the signs and symptoms of oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of mouth cancer that is caused due to the growth of cancerous tissues in the oral cavity. It can occur in any parts that make up the mouth, or oral cavity- such as on the surface of the tongue, in the lips or gums or tongue, inside the cheek, in salivary glands, or in the roof and floor of the mouth. World Oral Health Day (WOHD) marked each year on March 20 stresses the importance of good oral health which is vital to overall health and well-being.

Studies have shown that bad oral hygiene habits can lead to major health problems, including mouth cancer. This means poor oral hygiene is not just restricted to bad breath and cavities. Like other cancers, the exact cause of mouth cancer is not known, yet, cancers form when a genetic mutation triggers cells on the lips or in the mouth to grow without control. Tobacco use and heavy alcohol use are the main risk factors for oral cancer.

Other factors that may contribute to the development of mouth cancer are exposure to certain chemicals, excessive sun exposure to your lips, a weakened immune system, human papillomavirus (HPV), a family history of oral cancer, etc.

What are the signs and symptoms of oral cancer?
Signs and symptoms of mouth cancer may include the following:

Pain when swallowing
Swelling in the mouth that lasts for more than three weeks
Mouth ulcers or sores that do not heal
Loose teeth with no apparent reason
Unusual changes in sense of taste
A white or reddish patch on the inside of the mouth
A growth or lump inside your mouth
Unexplained weight loss
You must consult a doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms. Early diagnosis of oral cancer helps in its effectiveness of the treatment, improving your chance of survival. Treatment for oral cancer depends on the location and stage of the cancer, patient’s general health, etc. The main treatments are surgery and radiation therapy. In some cases, chemotherapy may be required.

Can oral cancer be prevented?
While there’s no proven way to prevent oral cancer, the golden key to the prevention of oral cancer is to not use tobacco. You can certainly reduce your risk by making changes in your lifestyle, such as -

Eating a healthy diet and avoiding or limiting the intake of junk foods, saturated fats, and processed meats.
Stop using tobacco or quit immediately.
Avoid excessive sun exposure to your lips.
Drink alcohol in moderation, if you do drink.
Make a point to visit your dentist regularly.
Studies have found that the chance of developing cancer of all types is lower among people who eat a healthy diet consisting of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, small amounts of lean animal or plant-based protein, and stay active by making regular exercise as part of their daily routine.

How to use garlic for erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a very common male sexual health problem and can occur in any age of men. This condition happens when a man is finding it difficult to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. While many men who have a problem with their sexual activity are embarrassed to speak to their doctor about this issue, it is now well known that ED can be treated successfully in most cases. In fact, there are many home remedies that can help treat impotence, and garlic is considered a natural cure for erectile dysfunction.

For most men, erectile dysfunction can be both physiological and psychological, which means it can have both physical and emotional causes. According to Mayo Clinic, ED can be a result of a serious health problem, including diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Benefits of garlic for erectile dysfunction or impotence
Garlic, which is being used as a major ingredient in various cuisines across the world, can be an effective natural remedy for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Research has shown that garlic can be beneficial for the treatment of impotence, erectile dysfunction by acting on the body in different ways.

A study done by the researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham demonstrated that garlic contains polysulfides that promote the production of H2S which causes blood vessels to relax and lowers blood pressure, thereby improving heart health. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that garlic’s ability to relax blood vessels improves circulation, which indirectly controls impotence.

Moreover, allicin, the principle bioactive compound in garlic, has been shown to improve blood flow. The beneficial effects of garlic such as its ability to lower high cholesterol and contribute to the treatment of hypertension are well-known. Both high blood pressure and cholesterol are a risk factor for atherosclerosis, a build-up of fats and other substances in the walls of arteries, causing obstruction of blood flow. Since atherosclerosis contributes to decreased blood flow, it is a contributing factor to impotence. This indicates that garlic may help treat ED, although more research is needed to establish a direct link between allicin and the treatment of impotence.

How to use garlic for erectile dysfunction
To get maximum benefits, you can simply chew 3-4 cloves of raw garlic every day.

Another option to use garlic for ED is to consume it with milk or honey. Crush 1-2 cloves of garlic and mix it with 1 teaspoon of raw honey. Consume it on an empty stomach. Repeat daily for three to four months.

A word of caution: While garlic has immense health benefits, speak with your doctor before trying any home remedies, including garlic, to treat your condition as it can interact with certain medications like anticoagulants and isn’t safe for anyone in greater amounts compared to when used in cooking.

What is pre exposure prophylaxis

A Sydney man has been diagnosed with HIV in spite of taking pre-exposure prophylaxis medication known as PrEP that promises to prevent the spread of the deadly virus, reported The Sydney Morning Herald. According to the report, Steve Spencer, 27, tested positive for HIV in December despite taking PrEP regularly during a regular sexual health test.

As per the CDC, pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is highly effective when it comes to preventing HIV if used as prescribed. However, the medication can be much less effective when not taken consistently. Daily PrEP can help reduce the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90 per cent.

“I was in complete shock, as were my doctors, knowing the chances were extremely rare,” said Mr Spencer who is believed to be the seventh person globally to contract HIV while adhering to a PrEP regimen.

“What happened to me doesn’t change the fact that PrEP is still the most powerful HIV preventative we have ever had,” Mr Spencer, one of the first men in Australia to start taking the medication more than five years ago, was quoted as saying.

The report added that multiple international clinical trials have shown promising results indicating that PrEP can effectively prevent HIV transmission and roughly half a million people worldwide are taking the medication. Mr Spencer’s story has been chosen to share by the sexual health and gay community advocate in a bid to help prevent misinformation that could devalue the effectiveness of PrEP.

What happened to me doesn’t change the fact that PrEP is still the most powerful HIV preventative we have ever had. It is protecting hundreds of thousands of people from HIV in an empowering way, alongside effective treatment for people living with HIV,” Mr Spencer added.

According to Andrew Grulich, program head of HIV Epidemiology and Prevention at the University of NSW’s Kirby Institute, PrEP had been a ‘game-changer for HIV prevention in Australia, adding that the medication only works if it is taken correctly. In fact, Kirby Institute data showed that the number of people infected with HIV fell by almost one-third following the EPIC-NSW PrEP trial.

In the case of Mr Spencer, he started HIV treatment immediately after diagnoses and within six weeks he achieved an ‘undetectable viral load’, which means he cannot transmit HIV to anyone.

What is PrEP and who should take it?
PrEP is a course of HIV drugs taken by people who do not have the disease (but are at substantial risk) to prevent infection. Essentially, the blue pill The pill (brand name Truvada) contains two medicines -tenofovir and emtricitabine. These drugs are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV.

The CDC claims that PrEP drug has the potential to keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection in people who are exposed to HIV through injection drug use or sex. If taken consistently, PrEP has been found to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92% in individuals who are at high risk.

What are the signs and symptoms of Sexsomnia?Treatment and management

You may have heard of different types of sleep disorders, such as sleepwalking (somnambulism), sleep talking, and even sleep driving. But have you ever heard of sleep sex, or sexsomnia? Sleep sex is a distinct form of parasomnia that is caused by a disruption while the brain is moving between deep sleep stages. It may be noted that sex sleep is different from sex dreams that do not involve physical actions or behaviours besides arousal and ejaculation.

People with sexsomnia engage in sexual behaviours while in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, ranging from masturbation to sexual intercourse. Sleep sex is a very real yet relatively new condition that takes place randomly during the night. A 2015 study published in the NeuroQuantlogy reported that only 94 cases of sexsomnia have been documented worldwide.

What are the signs and symptoms of Sexsomnia?
The problem with sleep sex is that people with the disorder may not realise that they have it. Hence, other people such as a partner, roommate, are the ones who first notice symptoms of the condition. Perhaps, dealing with the condition or a partner who has it can be difficult. Common signs and symptoms of sexsomnia include:

Fondling with bed partner
Sexual intercourse
Pelvic thrusting
Spontaneous orgasm
Blank or glassy stare during events
sexual assault or rape
What causes Sexsomnia?
It’s unclear what causes sexsomnia, however, sleep sex can be caused by or be linked to various factors, including sleep deprivation, poor sleep habits, increased stress, anxiety, fatigue, excessively drinking alcohol, certain medications, etc. While it’s not clear how common sexsomnia is, men were almost three times more likely to have this disorder than women.

Medical conditions that are associated with sexsomnia are restless leg syndrome, obstructive sleep apnoea, seizure disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn’s disease, ulcers, head injuries, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Treatment and management for Sexsomnia
Treatment is very successful when it comes to sexsomnia and mainly involves treating underlying causes, as well as lifestyle changes. Maintaining a regular sleep-wake schedule is one of the best ways to treat this disorder.

Treating underlying conditions such as anxiety, depression, and stress that cause sleep disruption can help resolve symptoms of sexsomnia.

In most cases, treatment for sexsomnia involves making lifestyle changes, including adopting good sleep hygiene, avoiding triggers like alcohol and recreational drugs, etc.

Sometimes, sexsomnia can affect your personal relationships or put people in your life at risk. Therefore, it’s important to let your family and partner know of the diagnosis, and what they can do to help you deal with the condition.

All questions about eyes and their

Eyes are one of the most delicate organs of our body and are responsible for the sense of sight. If something very small or minute also enters our eyes, our eyes get teary, our vision gets hazy, and we are unable to see or even open our eyes in some cases. The body, however, has mechanisms to make sure our eyes are protected – two of them are our eyebrows and our eyelashes that keep things out of the eyes.

However, to keep our eyes protected and safe, you must know some common practises. Eyes are extremely important and so is taking care of them. Here are a few common questions about eyes and their care that have been answered, so you can make better choices and take care of your eyes in a better way.

How do screens impact our eyes?
Prolonged use of screens can cause you to blink less, which will lead to dryness, eye strain, and blurry vision. A disorder called computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain is caused due to prolonged use of screens like laptops and phones.

Should you use your phone or laptop or any screens without the lights on?
No. The use of screens without lights on can have an adverse impact on your eyes, causing blurry vision, headaches, and effects on the retina of the eye. You must try to keep screen time to a minimum, and not use phones before going to bed when the room is dark. Using phones before bed also adversely affects your sleep.

How can you detect an eye problem?
Some common symptoms of an eye problem include blurry vision, teary eyes, inflamed eyes, frequent headaches and rubbing of eyes among others. If you experience any of these symptoms of longer than two to three days, you must get your eyes tested and see a doctor. The problem can get worse if not treated at the earliest.

How do spectacles help eyesight?
It is a common belief that wearing spectacles will keep the eyesight from deteriorating or treat the problem. Spectacles can only help you see when your eyesight is weak. You can only treat the weak eyesight by exercising regularly so you can strengthen your muscles and restore your eyesight to normal.

Are contact lenses safe?
Contact lenses are made as safe as they possibly can be, but the magic accessories are not risk-free. They block the oxygen to the eye and can result in drying which can lead to rubbing the eye, teary eyes and more. According to experts, it is better to wear glasses than contact lenses.

Should you wear sunglasses?
Sunglasses can help protect the eye from UV rays. They make you look great, but you must not wear them every time you step out in the sun. Exposing your eye to the sun is also important for its health and therefore, you should strike a balance between when you wear the glasses and when you don'

common symptoms of tuberculosis to watch out for

World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated on March 24 every year, and marks the building of public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis and efforts made to eradicate the disease. Tuberculosis is a hidden disease that may not be perceived as a serious problem until it actually becomes too serious. This disease affects more people in middle and low-income countries, like India. In 2012 alone, around 8.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis, out of which 1.3 million died of the disease, and the number has been similar ever since.

It is important to know about a disease that is so common and so fatal. The disease definitely shows symptoms that one should take seriously, and start treatment as soon as possible to make sure the disease does not turn fatal. Very common symptoms that can be mistaken for normal common cold and cough, or symptoms of any other disease are coughing that lasts for weeks, fatigue, fever, night chills and sweats. These symptoms can make you think that you are just under the weather and a common OTC medicine will cure the problem. However, if these symptoms are accompanied by the following uncommon symptoms of Tuberculosis, make sure you visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Coughing up blood
Normal coughing could be a result of a viral infection you have contracted due to the weather, or by just being around someone with the infection. However, if you cough up blood while coughing normally, it is a matter of worry. It could be a symptom of active tuberculosis and you must see a doctor immediately.

Loss of appetite
Not feeling hungry when you are sick is normal, but when the problem happens for a prolonged period of time, it means you are sicker than you think you are. If the above symptoms are accompanied by a considerable loss of appetite for a prolonged period of time, you must get yourself tested.

Effects on other organs
If tuberculosis happens outside your lungs, it will affect other organs differently and you must know these symptoms. You must watch out for these symptoms also to detect the problem early. If you have the tuberculosis of the spine, you may experience backaches, and tuberculosis of the kidney may cause blood in your urine.

Chest pain
One common and serious symptom of tuberculosis is chest pain. However, most people associate it with cough and cold and do not take it seriously. Chronic chest pain can also occur if you are experiencing a heart attack, and therefore you must visit a doctor if the pain arises very often.

Sweating at night
Something that may feel like just a weather condition, where you sweat at night could actually be a symptom of a disease. If you feel that the sweating is happening without reason and is accompanied by the above other symptoms, you must make a visit to your doctor soon.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Thousands of people worldwide are investing their money in trading currencies, stocks and commodities online. Some are day traders, other swing traders, some trade every day others once a week but they are all an active part of the online trading community.
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8 Countries Where US Students Can Study For Free In Europe

Statistics show that in 2015/16 the average tuition fees at an in-state public college were $9,410 and a whopping $32,405 at private colleges. These high fees are one of the reasons why US students are choosing to jump across the pond to Europe, a continent famous for its culture and history and increasingly known for its free degrees. Here’s a list of 8 of the countries where American students can study for free in Europe:

1. Germany
Germany_Countries US Students Study for Free
One of Europe’s economic strongholds, Germany is known for being friendly and welcoming to international visitors. Not only has the country got some of the best and cheapest student cities in the world, the high level of English spoken in the country makes it a great choice for US students.

Germany is the fourth most popular country in the world for international students, and that’s because its universities have completely done away with tuition fees for students of any nationality. Berlin, Nuremberg, Erlangen, Frankfurt, Munich and Bonn are five of the top destinations in Germany for international students.

Believing education to be a right rather than a privilege, Germany is leading the way in making a university degree possible for all. In June 2015, more than 4,600 US students were fully enrolled at Germany universities, an increase of 20% over the previous three years. There are over 1,000 programmes taught in English by German universities, meaning language need not be an issue in getting your degree.

Data from the German Academic Exchange Service shows that monthly living expenses for students in Germany are currently around $960. This includes rent, transport, food and entertainment. It’s worth noting that even though tuition is completely free at German public universities, there will be a small semester fee to support the student union and related activities. This costs from $55-$280 each semester.

Humboldt University in Berlin and the Technical University of Munich are among the highly-ranked German colleges that charge no tuition fees to American students.

2. Iceland
Countries US Students Study Free_Iceland
The real-life land of ice and fire is a fantastic choice for US students who want to save money on their tuition fees. Where else can you balance your study with sitting in a natural hot spring and staring at the northern lights?

Amazingly, all public colleges in Iceland are free for American students. International students make up 5% of all students in the country. The University of Iceland, located in the capital Reykjavik, is one of the largest in Iceland and does not charge any tuition fees. There is, however, an annual registration fee of $600 for American students. Applicants must have an equivalent level of education to the Icelandic matriculation examination. In general, courses are taught in the Icelandic language but there are a few postgraduate programmes provided in English by the University of Iceland, Reykjavík University and the University of Akureyri.

Students are advised that they will need around $980 per month to cover their accommodation and living expenses in Iceland. Americans studying in the Iceland for longer than three months will need to apply for a residence permit once they have secured a place at a university.

3. France
Countries US Students Study Free Europe_France
Paris is well-known as one of the best student cities in the world and continues to top polls year after year. Outside of the capital, there are the historical cities of Lyon or Toulouse to consider if you want to mix university life with a touch of the ancient. Montpellier, an hour’s drive from the Mediterranean beach, is the other major student city in France – a quarter of its residents are enrolled at a university.

If you are an American who would like to study in France then we have très bien news – it will cost you almost nothing. University tuition at public institutions in France incurs only a small fee of $208 per year for an undergraduate degree and $290 for a masters. Be aware, though, that these costs do not apply to the Grandes Ecoles universities in France who will charge much higher tuition fees. As well as boasting several of the world’s best universities, France is known for its internationally acclaimed specialist business schools such as ESCP Europe, ESSEC Business School, HEC Paris and INSEAD.

To enrol as a student in France you must submit an application to the school that you wish to attend including passport details, plus proof of your grades. American students will need a visa to study in France which is applied for through the CEF procedure run by CampusFrance. Under French law, you need to show evidence that you have enough funds to cover your expenses while studying within the country, and if your course is going to be taught in French you must also prove proficiency in the language.

4. Norway
Countries US Students Study Free Europe_Norway
American students can reap the benefits of paying no tuition fees at any of the country’s state universities. The University of Oslo, University of Bergen, University of Stavanger, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Agder and the University of Nordland are some of the colleges that are free for US students.

However, living expenses in Norway can be high. Students are will need around $1700 per month to cover the cost of accommodation, food, transport and leisure activities. There is usually a small semester fee to pay of $35-$75, too.

The Norwegian Universities and College Admission Service (NUCAS) is the coordinator of undergraduate admission. US applications will need to submit evidence of their high school graduation diploma and one year of academic university or college studies or three Advanced Placement Tests with at least grade three, according to the admissions guide GSU-list. For courses where the instruction is in Norwegian proof of proficiency in the language is also essential.

Although Oslo is the obvious choice in Norway, the city of Tromsø is also great for students. As well as being home to the northernmost university in the world, Universitetet i Tromsø, the ‘Paris of the North’ has all the quintessential Norwegian charms – reindeer, huskies and an icy coastline visited by whales.

5. Finland
Countries US Students Study Free_Helsinki
Finland currently offers free tuition fees for US students at all universities, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. However, from 2017 this is set to change somewhat. Although fees will be added by some institutions for American citizens, some Doctorate level studies and all programmes taught in Finnish or Swedish will remain free.

US students can apply to Finnish universities online, either directly to the university or via the centralized admissions service University Admissions Finland (UAF).. It is necessary to obtain a residence permit before entering Finland to study, as well as having access to funds of at least $7,375 to cover expenses for a year (although the cost of living in Finland is likely to be higher than this).

Helsinki on Finland’s south coast is by far the largest urban area in the country. The city is home to the University of Helsinki and Aalto University, the top two colleges in Finland. It’s a great place to enjoy the renowned high quality of life, technological advancements and extreme seasons of this Nordic gem.

6. Sweden
Countries US Students Study Free_Sweden
Many Swedish universities provide free PhD tuition to American citizens, and even better, most of the programmes are taught in English. PhD positions in Sweden are usually offered as paid positions by universities or external funding bodies, so you not only study for free but earn a salary, too. Alternatively, a range of scholarship options are available for American students.

As of February 2016, the fee for US students to apply to study in Sweden is $110. You’ll also need at least $1,000 per month to cover living expenses. Americans can apply via Sweden’s centralized university admissions application portal, A residence permit is required before you enter the country.

Sweden is home to several world-leading universities. Research university Uppsala is the oldest having been founded in 1477. It ranks among the best universities in Northern Europe and it is quite prominent in internationally, too. Lund University and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology are in the world’s top 100 colleges.

7. Slovenia
Countries US Students Study Free Europe
An underrated corner of Europe tucked between Italy and Croatia, compact Slovenia provides the best of the mountains and the beach with excellent travel opportunities to neighbouring countries. Slovenia in fact has a highly-rated education system considered one of the best in the EU. The University of Ljubljana, in the city of the same name, is considered Slovenia’s main university and is one of the largest colleges in the world. It was Slovenia’s only university until the University of Maribor opened in 1975. Undoubtedly, Ljubljana is one of the prettiest European cities to attend university.

Slovenian universities usually charge American students  tuition fees for undergraduate study, but similar to Sweden there are plenty of opportunities to gain a free Doctorate qualification. Apply directly to the university you wish to attend with a secondary school qualification certificate or degree certificate from a recognized university. About 150 English programs are available, and often Americans will need to pay a small registration fee when they enroll.

Student accommodation is cheap in Slovenia. Private housing starts from $220 per month while a university dormitory is under $150. A coffee is $1.60 and a meal in a moderately-priced restaurant not more than $15.

8. Czech Republic
Countries American Students Can Study for Free in Europe_Prague
US Students who speak Czech or are willing to learn are able to study abroad for free in the Czech Republic at any public university. Students who wish to study in English can also study fairly cheaply, at around $1,080 per semester. Public universities often charge a small registration fees of just over $20. The application system is also straightforward and can usually be completed online, simply requiring proof of secondary school education.

With the architecturally stunning city of Prague, the historic castles of Brno or the unexplored former industrial stronghold of Ostrava to discover, the Czech Republic has a lot to offer American students. There are over 70 universities to choose from, including Czech Technical University and Charles University in Prague, two of the top-ranked centres in emerging Europe. Living costs are far more affordable in the Czech Republic than in most of Western Europe, at around $350-750 a month

10 Ways to Get Bumped Up to First Class on Your Next Flight

Admit it: Flying first class can make the hassles of air travel so much better. I've been bumped up to first class twice: once while traveling solo on a business trip to Boston and once with my husband on our honeymoon. Let's just say I liked it very much. Who wouldn't appreciate a glass of cabernet while waiting for everyone else to board?
While I love flying first class, I don't exactly want to pay for it. First-class tickets can cost four times the coach fare, and it doesn't seem worth it for a short flight.
So how do you increase your odds of getting moved up? Here are 10 things you can do to increase your odds of flying first class for free:
1. Dress the part. Pack your yoga pants, torn jeans, and flip-flops, and wear something that belongs in first class. You don't have to wear a suit (although it wouldn't hurt). Just wear something professional, and shows that you belong.
Bob Atkinson, travel expert at, advises sticking to the "smart casual" code, and that "a cashmere shawl or linen jacket can make all the difference."
2. Ask for an upgrade. Sometimes if you want something, all you have to do is ask. When you check in, say to the agent: "If you are upgrading passengers on this flight, I would like to be considered." Be sure to smile. Many of the people gate agents deal with are complaining; you'll stand out if you're friendly and polite.
"Be nice to everybody from the moment you walk on airport property," former flight attendant Carolyn Paddock, founder of the website Life in Flight, told "You're talking to people who are decision makers."
3. Be early. The early bird gets the worm. Instead of trying to get the attention of the agent while he or she is busy with other passengers, show up early and be the first one to ask. Your flight may have only one or two upgrades available.
4. Travel solo. There is a greater chance that just one or two seats will be available in first class. If you frequently travel with co-workers, your odds of getting singled out are slim. Instead, fly by yourself to improve your chances.
5. Travel during peak times. If the flight has fewer passengers, chances are no one will be moved up. Airlines are more likely to upgrade people to make room on flights they oversell.
6. Sit next to the baby or take the middle seat. If a flight attendant is moving passengers, he or she may look to make the trip more comfortable for someone by moving them from a less desirable seat.
7. Give up your spot. When the gate agent asks for people who are willing to give up their seat, volunteer if you can be upgraded on the next flight. You will experience the delay, but it might be worth it if you can fly first class. This works especially well if there aren't other people volunteering, Jeanenne Tornatore, senior editor at travel website, told Market Watch.
8. Check your seat. When you sit down, make sure your armrests, recliner, tray table, and seat belt are in working condition. If they're broken, let the flight attendant know. Passengers in broken seats will be reassigned--and it could be to first class.
9. Join the airline's loyalty club. Even if you don't travel often, it doesn't hurt to become a member of an airline frequent-flyer club. You'll often receive upgrade opportunities, and if agents are looking to move someone, they could look to their list of members first.

If our airport staff are looking to upgrade passengers on the day of departure, there is a process that they follow which generally sees passengers that are frequent flyers of the airline--or those that have paid for a fully flexible ticket--benefiting," Harriet Bevis, Virgin Atlantic spokesperson, told the Daily Mail.
10. Let flight attendants know if it's a special occasion. If it's your birthday, anniversary, or honeymoon, let the flight attendants know. And if you don't get an upgrade, you just might get a free drink.

Here is the best way to dry your hair

Almost all urban women in the country suffer from problems like dry hair, frizzy hair, hair fall, or any sort of hair damage. It would be safe to assume that no women believe their hair is healthy. People are also experiencing the onset of grey hair at a very early age, even in teenage. All of this points at bad hair health and something needs to be done about it.

The causes of bad hair health can be many – from pollution to genes to how you treat and care for your hair. One of the most common causes of dry and frizzy hair is the use of heat on your hair. Most women, especially the ones with long hair use a blow dryer to dry their hair, which can cause the dryness. It is also a common belief that using a towel to dry your hair, or rubbing your hair vigorously with the towel can cause dryness. So what is the best way to dry your hair?

If you believe that air-drying your hair or letting them dry naturally is the ideal and the healthiest way to lose water from your tresses and making them dry, you may be mistaken. A study published in Annals of Dermatology has concluded that letting your hair air-dry actually increases damage and chances of breakage. Another study from Korea said that has actually concluded that using a hair dryer may be healthier than letting your hair dry naturally.

To understand why we need to look at the composition of our hair and what really causes the damage. Each strand of your hair is made of the outer cuticle and the inner cortex cells, among other parts. As water enters the hair strands, they tend to swell up and that makes them weak. Therefore, the damage will be directly related to how long the water stays in your hair, which is the maximum in case of air-drying.

Your mind is definitely making a case for air-drying and wondering how blow drying your hair can be better than air-drying, considering it makes the hair really dry and that can cause breakage. However, if you use the hair dryer at the right distance, and for the right time, you can keep the dryness away.

Here is the best way to dry your hair
Let your hair dry naturally, air-dry, till they are about 70-80% dry. Then use your hair dryer, at the coolest setting available, to dry the rest of your hair. Make sure you keep the dryer about 6-7 inches away from your hair all the time and also keep moving it around to make sure one part of your hair doesn't get too dry and loses all moisture. This will ensure that your hair is not damaged, neither because of the heat nor because of the air-drying and will leave you with healthy and happy hair.

interesting facts to C

Can't focus? Play music from a video game soundtrack. It's designed to keep you engaged, and helps you focus on what you're working on

Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

Cell phone radiation causes insomnia, and using your phone before bed can prevent you from getting sleep.

Cell phone radiation causes insomnia. Using your phone before bed can prevent you from getting sleep.

Chocolate ice cream has been proven to significantly reduce emotional and physical pain.

Chocolate lowers cholesterol, relieves stress, strengthens the immune & reduces anxiety.

Chocolate, sex and laughter are all key to a healthy brain.

Colin McGregor, brother of "Star Wars" actor Ewan McGregor, is a British RAF pilot who goes by the call-sign "Obi Two."

Creative people have a short attention span, are easily distracted and tend to talk to themselves more often.

Creative people have a short attention span, are easily distracted and tend to talk to themselves more often.Game of Thrones has a

Crocodiles are fast on their feet, but cannot turn very well. If one is chasing you, run in zig zag lines.

Crocodiles are fast on their feet, but cannot turn very well. If one is ever chasing you, run in zig zag lines.

Crocodiles are fast on their feet, but can't turn very well. If one is chasing you, run in zig zag lines.

Crying is good for your health, flushing unhealthy bacteria out of your body, strengtheni
ng the immune system and relieving stress.

Crying releases extra stress hormones, and it is a scientifically proven way to relieve stress.

Crying releases extra stress hormones, which is why you feel better after crying.

Cuddling (and other acts of love) help to heal physical wounds faster due to the release of oxytocin.

Cuddling kills depression, relieves anxiety, and strengthens the immune system.

Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety, and strengthens the immune system.

Cuddling warms the heart and may protect it. It's also highly efficient at reducing the effects of stress.

Cuddling warms the heart and may protect it. It's also highly efficient at reducing the effects of stress.

Cursing when in pain releases Enkephalin, which raises your pain tolerance causing you to hurt less.

Cut negative people out of your life. The people you spend time with influence your attitude and thoughts a lot more than you think.

Cut negative people out of your life. The people you spend time with influence your attitude and thoughts more than you think.

US Stealth Pilot And The Serbian Who Shot Him Down, Are Friends Now

Twenty years ago, Zoltan Dani achieved a miraculous military feat: wielding outdated missile equipment, his army unit shot down an American F117 "stealth fighter" flying over Serbia as part of NATO's 1999 air strike assault.
The David-vs-Goliath victory was one of the most surprising achievements of the Serbian side as it was battered by NATO bombs that began dropping 20 years ago on Sunday, in a bid to halt Belgrade's war with Kosovo.
But in perhaps an even more remarkable twist, the retired army officer is now close friends with the American pilot whose Nighthawk he brought down.
"Bingo," Dani, now 62, recalls saying when he first learned he had struck the American aircraft, which was touted as invisible to radar.
The downing of the F117 three days into the NATO assault earned Dani national hero status.
It was the first and only time a F117 has been shot down in combat, leading celebratory Serbs to print shirts and posters with the slogan: "We didn't know it was invisible!"
After three months of air strikes, Serbia was forced to withdraw its troops from Kosovo, where its forces had been battling ethnic Albanian separatists.
While the NATO intervention is celebrated as the basis of Kosovans' liberation today, traumatic memories of the bombs remain deeply etched in Serbia's public memory.
But Dani and his US counterpart, Air Force pilot Dale Zelko, managed to put their past behind them.
Around a decade ago, they started exchanging emails.
"It was important, among other things, to learn what kind of man he was," Dani, who is part of Serbia's Hungarian minority, told AFP from his home in eastern Skorenovac.
"After two to three years we decided together that it was time to meet."
'Message Of Peace'
That 2012 encounter, filmed in a documentary called 'The Second Meeting', saw Zelko travel to Dani's home where he had opened a bakery after retiring from military service.
"When he arrived... I handed him an apron, he took it and we worked together," recalls Dani with a grin.
In the documentary, the two men are seen rolling out pastry dough together before visiting a Serbian museum where tattered pieces of the F117 are on display.
"Hey, that's my stuff," Zelko jokes, pointing at the display.
They also visit the field where the American pilot landed after he ejected from his aircraft in a parachute.
"As soon as I saw those missiles I thought, oh man, they got me," Zelko says standing in the field.
At a screening of the film in Belgrade in 2012, Zelko addressed the room.
"I am sorry for your suffering and sorrow, loss and anguish," he said, visibly shaken.
"War is not between normal, average people, it is between the governments," he added.
Dani says he was initially hesitant about making contact with his former war foe, but ultimately decided it would "be an opportunity to send a common message of peace and understanding".
The following year he visited Zelko and his family at their home in New Hampshire.
Now they still talk "once or twice a week by email", reports Dani.
Near his computer is a large chunk of dark metal -- another recovered piece of the F117 -- leaning against the wall.

Grenade Blast Outside Russian Consulate In Greece: Police

A grenade exploded early Friday outside the Russian consulate in Athens without hurting anyone, police said, an attack typical of domestic far-left groups.

The area in the Athens suburb of Halandri was rapidly cordoned off and bomb specialists were dispatched, a police source said.

Police said the grenade had exploded but caused no injuries as the consulate was closed at the time.

The attack occurred at around 0200 GMT. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The Greek foreign ministry "unequivocally" condemned the attack, which it said had caused some damage outside the building.

It added that Greek authorities "were taking all necessary steps to investigate the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice."

It is believed that the grenade was lobbed by one or two persons on a motorbike.

Police were probing possible links to a burnt motorbike found later in central Athens.

The move is typical of domestic far-left outfits, who regularly carry out acts of violence against diplomatic missions in Greece.

In December, a grenade exploded outside Skai, one of Greece's main media groups.

A similar attack occurred in 2016 when a grenade was thrown outside the French embassy, injuring a police guard.

The hit was claimed by a group calling itself the Organisation of Revolutionary Autodefence.

North Korea Pulls Out Of Inter-Korean Liaison Office

North Korea pulled its staff out of an inter-Korean liaison office Friday, Seoul said, weeks after leader Kim Jong Un's summit with US President Donald Trump ended without agreement.

The office in the Northern city of Kaesong was opened in September as the two Koreas knitted closer ties, but the South's vice unification minister Chun Hae-sung told reporters Pyongyang had "notified the South they are pulling out of the liaison office".

The decision had been taken "in accordance with an order from an upper command", he said, adding: "They said they didn't care whether we stayed at the liaison office or not."

The South's President Moon Jae-in was instrumental in brokering talks between the nuclear-armed, sanctions-hit North and Washington, Seoul's key security ally.

Moon has long backed engagement with the North to bring it to the negotiating table, and has been pushing the carrot of inter-Korean development projects, among them the restarting of an industrial zone also in Kaesong and lucrative cross-border tourist visits by Southerners to the North's picturesque Mount Kumgang.

But the sanctions currently in place effectively block their resumption, while a preliminary study for a plan to renovate the North's decrepit rail system was repeatedly delayed.

Questions were even raised over whether supplies provided to set up the liaison office were a sanctions violation.

The failure by Kim and Trump to reach agreement in Hanoi last month on walking back Pyongyang's nuclear programme in exchange for relaxation of the measures against it has raised questions over the future of the wider process.

In Vietnam both sides expressed willingness to talk further, but it has since emerged that Washington presented Kim with a wider definition of what it regards as denuclearisation.

A senior Pyongyang diplomat told reporters last week that the North was considering suspending nuclear talks with the US.

Analysts said Friday's decision could be a sign Pyongyang felt Seoul was unable to exert sufficient influence on Washington.

"With the pull-out, the North is pressuring the South to do more as a middle man between Pyongyang and Washington after it didn't get the resumption of the Kaesong industrial complex and Mount Kumgang tours," said Yoo Ho-yeol, professor of North Korean studies at Korea University.

"It could be seen as either pressure, or a warning," he told AFP. "Internally, Pyongyang could use the withdrawal as a propaganda message to its people that it is taking a lead when it comes to inter-Korean relations."The North has recently summoned several of its top diplomats around the world back to Pyongyang.

Cheong Seong-chang, a senior researcher at the private Sejong Institute, said that move and Friday's pull-out could signal "that the North is considering a shift in denuclearisation strategy and foreign policy".

It was "hard to rule out a hardline statement", he added.

In his New Year speech -- a key political event in the North -- Kim said without giving details that Pyongyang might see a "new way for defending the sovereignty of the country and the supreme interests of the state" if the US persisted with sanctions.

"Round-the-clock consultation"

Seoul sought to keep the door open to more contact.

"We regret the North's decision," vice minister Chun said. "Though North Korea has pulled out, we will continue to work at the liaison office as usual."

The facility opened three months after Kim signed a vague pledge at his first summit with Trump in Singapore to work towards "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula", and shortly before Moon went to Pyongyang for his third summit with Kim last year.

It stands in a city that was initially part of the South after Moscow and Washington divided Korea between them in the closing days of World War II, but found itself in the North after the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty.

The four-storey building includes separate Northern and Southern offices and a joint conference room.

When it opened Seoul's unification ministry said it would become a "round-the-clock consultation and communication channel" for advancing inter-Korean relations, improving ties between the US and the North, and easing military tensions.

But the Hanoi summit took place without the usual several rounds of preliminary negotiations between lower-rank officials, and broke up without even a joint statement.

A top security adviser to Moon, Moon Chung-in, told AFP last week that Pyongyang needed to take "actual action" on denuclearisation to persuade the US to grant concessions.

The South's presidency held an emergency meeting of the National Security Council after the North pulled out of the liaison office on Friday.