Wednesday, September 26, 2018

New news .27 09 2018. NASA found two worlds world

Within five months of transitioning Exoplanet Survey Satellite-TESS transmitter, the announcements of surprising inventions have been published in the following days.

The first Alien World by BI Men C is located near the orbit of PI Mensa in the Mensa Star.


NASA estimates that this planet's planet and its bright star may be about 60 light years from Earth, or 350,000,000,000 miles (563,270,400,000,000 kilometers).


NASA Tess's Tweeter, NASA Tess's first globe: This is the second planet with the mass and circumference of the PI Menza star visible in the night sky. The other is around 10 times as much as Jupiter, 5.7 years around the orbit.

Red Dwarf

The second alien world has been found in about 49 light years from Earth near the Red Dwarf Star, or 288,000,000,000 miles (436,000,000,000 kilometers).

Although this planet is relatively mild, it is slightly larger than that, and its orbit around the star is slightly less.


NASA Das said,

'The LHS 3844 of the orbit of this planet, which is slightly larger than the Earth, is around 49 light years from the star of the Dwarf, every 11 hours, these findings are being revised by other scientists and we are looking forward to studying this' hot Earth'

Rocky terrain

Unfortunately, due to the high temperatures of this planet, the possibility of advanced aliens is limited.

The main water needed for survival may have been a great deal on this PI Mensa planet, but it may have been a huge loss because of the inner heat of the planet, the water may have evaporated, according to Chelsea of ​​MIT.

Chelsea added that hydrogen and helium are too much in the atmosphere of this planet, which is rocky on the surface.

50 times close

In our solar system, the planet is about 50 times that of the planet, rather than the first planetary sun from the sun. The Alien planet is 6.5 million miles from its star. At the same time, Earth is 92.9 million miles away from the Sun.

NASA's Tester Satellite University has explored more than 200,000 stars in a small area. Des, which was sent into space in April 2018, did not begin official investigation until July. The satellite, which is looking for the planets, has completed its lifetime to be replaced by the Gappler shuttle.

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