Sunday, October 7, 2018

Apple company that invested millions of dollars in green energy

Green energy is now considered important in the world. Worldwide preparations are being made to generate electricity from natural donations.

There are a lot of companies that are struggling to produce electricity without environmental damage to the environment. Apple has one of these.

The main factor for green energy is:

Solar energy is now considered the main factor for green energy. Solar light can be generated by solar panels to generate electricity. Scientists have discovered that this can greatly benefit. And there will be no impact on the environment.

International Solar Federation:

Narendra Modi initiated the International Solar Federation to use the solar energy to protect the natural resources. France's President McCormon has also played a key role. The federation has been taking steps to fully utilize solar power in the sun-rising countries.

The federation has so far joined 121 countries. Prime Minister Modi has won the Championship Earth Award for the past few days.

Apple company reported:

Apple has released a statement on this. Said it plans to build electricity from solar power. Furthermore, it has taken steps to provide electricity to 1 million homes.

$ 300 million investment:

The project to build electricity from solar power is to be installed in China. This is Apple's $ 300 million investment.

4 Giga Watts Electricity:

Solar panels are set up to produce 1 Gigawatts in China to generate electricity. Apple also plans to generate 4 Gigawatts in 2020

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