Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Do you know how your WhatsApp account is being hacked

Facebook's Watts Agency is facing serious problems in the issue of fake news. VatsApp has taken various steps to counter fake messages. However, Watsf is still in trouble in another issue to warn the country.

The country has warned its people through the National Cyber ​​Security Authority of Israel. Accordingly, VATS account is a new way to hack accounts.

Wattsup processor

This is clearly explained how the VatsApp processor is being hacked by mobile service providers. Icatti The information released by the NET (ZD Net) has been reported to have voicemail accounts being more likely to be hacked.

This prompts to change the service's password immediately. Most passwords have been reported as 1234 or 0000. The hacker can hack watts account with this error. This is enough to add your number to a new smartphone.

How does it work?

As a security measure, security SMS on behalf of Watts The line will be sent to confirm the specified mobile number. However, the Israeli web developer, Bar-Dig, said that the user can reject it.


SMS. After several attempts to get the line, the VoiceApp uses the voice verification algorithm for verifiable. This calls for a VOTsup Specific number and loudly tells a recording password.

If the user can not hear it, the invitation will go to his voicemail account. To get this code, the hacker is sufficient to post the correct password. With this, Hacker can use your WhatsApp account without your permission.

And the hacker, who has the ability to use the double-spare verifikation feature, can make your account impossible to use.

What is the solution for this?

Watts offers various instructions to avoid the above mentioned algorithm. This is enough to change the voicemail account password. Secondly, the implementation of two-step verification.

Watts is the same processor

The problem mentioned above is a single processor called Watts. However, a similar problem can occur in many popular social networking processes

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