Wednesday, October 3, 2018

New news.Will the newly found honeybee in the Ecuador be saved

A new type of hamming bird (honeybeit) in Ecuador is found by an international bird group.

Patent patent AFP

The bird is named Oryotrochosus phenomenon or blue neck hilster. This is one reason why the blue neck is four inches long.

'Biodiversity Period'

Biodiversity in the Ecuador is great. There are 132 types of 'hammaming bird' in this country.

Patent patent AFP

The newly discovered blue necklaces claim that the mammoths are about 300, claiming that the breed is at the brink of ruin.

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Ecuador, Venezuela, Denmark and Sweden, a group of birdwriters have done this discovery. Francesco led the group.

Housing in threat

Patent patent AFP

Birds claiming that these birds live at 3,000 to 3,700 meters in the area between the local Loja and El Oro, near the Pacific Ocean, are now described as the threat of mining.

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