Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The aliens Things we do not know

Many of the analysts say they continue to contact us through high technologies.
We have received many cosmic signals every year. The signals at the Big Bang will also be detected by today's normal TV scene. Some of the points that appear suddenly on TV are the hits.

But many of these cosmic signals are not unidentified. The mysterious peaks that do not normally appear in stars or black holes are not known from where they come from. Some say it comes from the parallel universe, some say it is the signal of the alien residents.

You will be questioned about a signal signal in such suspicious signals that is the wow signal registered in 1977.

The Earth is absorbed by radio invisible to many types of invisible rays throughout the day, but it is set to record any unbearable or strange alien signal in the field of Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope.

Wohn said of Allawi:

It is specifically designed to build signals from the 1420 megahertz frequency (1420 mhz is the frequency released by hydrogen and we know that the universe is forgotten to be hydrogen)
On August 15, 1977, Jerry Ehaman recorded a radio signal that lasted 72 seconds as the most powerful signal. When it was made of a decoding, it became 'wow' in English. From above, scientists are excited to know that we have experienced the signal of the Yaruppa. This is a signal sent by an alien.

40 years later, the team examined it and found that the answer was posted on the bandwidth by a signal called a comet. It made sure that it was recorded two times three times, but it is not exactly the answer to the question why the wallet is wow and why the signal does not give it a signal over that day.

Let the Alien give us the signal Do we know we're giving a signal to Elian? We have done a thing in the Neyeger-1 spacecraft, which has been 'the longest man-made object' from Earth, and we have a signal for 24 hours on the gold disc. And there are many different types of sounds on earth such as ocean waves, bird sounds, baby crying voice, US presidential talk
We have registered and sent as an alphabet in the Bible, "Listen to the Listener."
This is an attempt to stone us in the dark, but this is the arrangement that we will contact us if nobody is looking for Elian if we see


While talking about the Alien, we should definitely mention the von daniken analyst.
He believed in the existence and domination of the earth in the early days, and he found many strange facts when it came to study studies. In particular, nobody knows that the Ellians came to Earth and his evidence and research report
After watching, the mouth was shut.

As we search in the ancient history of the inscriptions in our country, he searched for the ancient arrival of ancient buildings, temples, sculptures, paintings, and myths around the world. One thing he saw in it was a great deal of opposition among religious leaders. In the religious texts, all the messengers said to be Eliun. Because he is the ancient religious texts around the world.

He saw a similarity in mythology. They were surprised by the fact that they were identical to the arrival of the Alien in all of them. They were different names, some in the sense that they were some of the Gods. They saw a lot of unity in all of them.

They do not fly like a super man like mantra. They wanted a fire and a sound car. When the people came from the sky, the people watched the fire that burned fire. God does not need all these things to fly. Then he said aloud to the world that he found it.

'All that God has done is not all that you can read aloud.' He was a curse of many religious people. He is not an atheist.

He said that what he said was not about God but the messengers of God as God's messengers. The book 'chariots of the god', which he wrote in 1968 with many sources to explore this, has made many names in this field. After years of searching for a little deeper in this field, the search came to us with a number of traumatic facts


He has seen many buildings in many places using this technique that can not be built at any time. Some of these are giant rocks. Some cutting-edge laser cuts have been found to be inherent in the technology of the past.
For instance, he saw a wall in a place where some kind of plastic was melt and heaped rocks. How come that time In a Mayan graveyard, a mirror was painted in the grave of 'kinich janab pacal'. It was the oldest arrival there, "he said," he was driving a rocket sampling machine and going to the sky. (Even the oxygen supply in the nose) is just 'samples'. Such evidence is of great concern to him.

He did not deny that the man was building a pyramid, but the Alien gave him his knowledge. It is no coincidence that for many millions of years, the slow-moving growth of life has grown in the sky with some knowledge in the sky for a few years. He is not the villains in the eyes of the aliens who have given us knowledge. (Find anciant aleans Season 5 on Hiroshi TV channel in detail about his findings)

The image of the aliens:

We have imagined how many of these are to be seen in the Hollywood scenario.
Many of their imaginary films are shown in many forms, such as Avadar, Edge of Tomorrow, John Carter, Transformer, Super Man, Under the Skin, Star War, Independence Day, Itidi, Men in Black, Prometheus, The Arrival, Rittic. But in reality they do not have any obligation to be like a man in the same way as in the film. It's created for our convenience (in this way a spider-like paradigm in the 3rd part of the game will add to the mood of the death of their mortality, and the shape of the water can transform into the shape of the winned alien creature like tar, Most impressed me)

It's usually the Alien that we come to imagine that the gray dwarfs are the reason why people say that they've seen the world around them. He imagines the alien in his own likeness as the man who worshiped the god he made in his own likeness. (Or are they coming with temporary transformations like us to be able to contact us

Analysts comment:

How to play an alien? In the shape of a wave like radio waves, which can be either in human form or in shape, or at times changeable or smaller than bacteria or we can not directly perceive it. Think about the different types of waves around us can not be felt without proper tools, as we can not feel as well ... why not yet find the tools that can not be found in a dimension. Most scientists generally recommend the presence of antibiotics like bacteria. They do not need to go too far in searching for them to say that in our solar system we may be at the bottom of the moon's moon or junction.

When Stefan Hawkins says about this, there are the creatures that are beneath the frozen water where they are like the earth's lives, because we are based on water.
But there is no telling about the aliens who crossed our solar system. They may be a magnetic force and a star that can be used as a fuel for their truck. Yes, there is a doubt.

Star Allianz:

The suspicion is that the KIC 8462852 is far from here. Its name is TABBY'S STAR.
The light of this star found the most susceptible to burning our home bulb Tim Bright Tim Bright. Analysts examined it as a very large building and found that the star was around the star and that it was blowing light. Researchers in a theory say that the massive structure that surrounds the star may be a space shift and that it takes the energy from the star.

Note of the Mayan tribe:

The great mysteries are not manifested by humanity until now. If you are honest with Alien, then my answer is yes. Until this is the story of Alien Tales .. If the experiences are true, my answer is 'No'.
Before the scientific study of the aliens scientificly, the ancient Mayan ethnos were referenced in ancient manuscripts and old mythological books.
How many inscriptions we still do not know! Many of the traces we have not examined ... many of the mysterious books that we do not know about the aliens are in the world

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