Monday, November 26, 2018

27 countries approve the Treaty of Britain for the withdrawal from the European Union

London: The Bretton Treaty for Britain's withdrawal from the EU has come to an end after 18 months of long negotiations. The 27 countries in the Union have approved the Treaty of Breckzit, the country's prime minister, Teresa, on the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. Britain's decision to abstain from the European Union has received much support in the last referendum in 2016. Teresa then produced a frustrated agreement on the relationship with the 27 countries in the Union.

Yesterday evening, Teresa met with heads of the 27 countries that joined the European Union in Brussels, the capital of the European Union. 27 countries agreed to the Teresa May's Precision Treaty. Accordingly, Britain will leave the European Union on March 29 next year.

European Council President Donald Tusk has posted it on Twitter. But this is not the time to celebrate, "European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker said. The features of this FRC agreement are expected to be uploaded to the European Union's websites

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