Friday, November 16, 2018

If the popcorn sold in the theater is eaten by cancer! Shocking info

Popcorn seekers. "If a picture is a reason for a popcorn, then another reason is that this is a popcorn slave for the younger and the elderly, and this is how much worse it is if the popcorn of this popcorn gives you cancer. ittana Day, the popcorn love to eat and have come. Popcorn us how the cancer that, in this post are fully aware. Cutacuta popcorn .. see the movie theater for the last several lines of this papkarnirk outside, waiting. Large buckets of the popcorn bought the go. Bake popcorn, if palaru Ku superb will please. The various hpilevarkalum there. Wholesome .. all this time, a mistake Account, in our mind, put had. I mean, popcorn corn prepared with so our health will be missed. But we had imagined, as it has no reality. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently found the startling information on the Food and Drug Administration in research. The possibility of cancer is said to be in the popcars we eat. They said there are more opportunities to build cancer in our body. Can cancer .. Scientists claim that this cancer affects the packets or buckets, which are cheaper to include popcorn. This means that these packets are coded by chemical substances and can cause cancer. These are formed by the perfluorooctanoic (PFOA) poisonous chemical substance

You men! Popcorn eating these popcorn packets or buckets may cause big problems for males. Particularly males have a tendency to develop cancer, including infertility, and defects of sclerosis and sclerosis. So much damage? Usually popcorn does not cause any harm to us. However, if you buy these packets or packets, it is necessary to get rid of lungs, pancreas and hormones. In addition, cancer can also form in these organs. Will the heart affect you too? When preparing popcorn, cheaper items are added. Therefore, bad cholesterol and cholesterol will begin to join your body. They will increase your day by day and will attack your heart. Hormones Problem ... Do not eat popcorn for the sake of desire and then become sick. Because you can eat these popcorns with 2,3-butanedione or diacetyl synthetic ingredients. These can cause bad poisoning and disrupt the balance of the hormones. Hypothyroidism and testosterone secretion may therefore be affected

Everywhere poisoned .. no toxic! Analysts say that many of the products we use today have a lot of toxicity. We are giving this to our children happily without even realizing it. If you eat this popcorn, your child will be sick at a young age. What can be done..? What can be done..? If you go to the theater, do not buy popcorn in this microwave packet or packets. If you want, eat popcorn at home. And even if the children are adamant, do not give them a similar popcorn. Do not forget that our lives and our children are worth more than popcorn! If this recording is useful to you, please help and share your health with others

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