Monday, November 26, 2018

These little signs of the legs can give you death

We do not even notice the changes in our body. Doctors say that the changes in the body may be too much for our life. These symptoms continue to drain our lives without knowing us. We must not forget to notice a few important changes in the legs. They are more likely to make us even death. Now we know what symptoms can have a similar effect. Mighty legs ..! Many people think of 'standing on their own feet'. In fact this is even right. But if our legs can be a great companion for our achievements, it may be a huge loss. Take care of the problems that can occur in our legs to prevent this. Do you feel like pinching ..? This feeling may cause us to sit in the same place for a long time. But it often means that there is something in your kidney. With this pin body sensation, if your legs are swollen, then you must take the doctor. Spider knitting ..? If you have a blood transfusion like spider's web in your legs, feel that you are at risk. These are signs of liver damage. In spite of the absence of blood in the intestine, pancreas, liver and spleen, Needle tissue ..? Do not get it normally if suddenly the feeling of tearing the feet in the legs. Generally, this injection may last for several days without tearing off. These are signs of sugar syrup. Or a sign that your foot nerves are affected

Hypertension is the most dangerous symptom of your legs if you have symptoms of color change, pain, fatigue, swelling, and high temperatures. If this feeling is on one leg, the alarm hour of danger. It shows that your foot veins are affected. Is the point point? Is the point in the legs? If they have a blood count, they should definitely approach the doctor. This is because the Venus valve has been affected. So such blood spots begin to appear. Also, the pain or swelling of the legs. Dirty legs? Can the legs look dull or stronger? There are many factors. This may be the case if blood arteries are expanded, or if blood has lower legs. This can cause some dangerous effects on the body. Is the thyroid problem always on the legs of muscles? Does the legs often swollen up? Or is the legs cool? This means that you have a thyroid problem

Consider high blood pressure when inflammation occurs in the legs. Because they may also be high blood pressure or kidney problems. And the doctors claim that these are the earliest symptoms. Karpiniyo ..? A few foot-based symptoms indicate that women are pregnant. In particular, the legs may be pregnant if the signs of inflammation, weakness and muscle spasms. For some, the legs may be too heavy. Like our new page, just like our website. Share with your friends if this post is helpful to you

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