Friday, December 7, 2018

16 lakhs money from the tire: a family cooked in a rage

Surfiya: A goat of Rs 16 lakh was stolen by a goat in Central Surfia. There is a village called Ranilivic near Arnjelovak, Central Serbia. There is a Simic family that is cultivated here. The farmers had to pay 10 lakh hectares of land worth Rs 16 lakh.

They took the money from the land to the table and left the door without having closed the door. The sheep, who had been feeding in their land, entered the house. There were about Rs. 16 lakh worth of money. The sheep in the strict hungry were bitten by the money bundles.

Those who returned home searched for money. The remaining pieces of money were shocked at the bottom. Then came out and checked, and the shaft was shocked by the cash particles left in the sheep gate. Thus the family was in great shock and sadness. In the meantime, the family was killed and eaten the sheep in the rage

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