Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A stranger plane ... suddenly landing on the highway: the incident in America

New York: When driving into the bus, the car is a long way off, and it is usually the uranium breakaway. But in the United States, one of the hijackings on the highway has caused a stir in the urine. Garimail, a native of Georgia's state of Georgia, went to the Mississippi with his wife and children to celebrate Christmas. When they arrived at the Interstate 20 highway in Dalladiga, Alabama, a small plane landed in front of their car. Carmichael stopped the car near the scene. Immediately, his wife recorded the scenes with his camera. One guy from the plane, looking at them, gestured as if there was "no problem" and went off to sleep in the empty space of the road.

Kareemakal's wife, the video recordings, was a terrific diamond that was posted on the social network, saying, 'Damn ... you have dropped the airplane on the highway?' Many of the people who saw the video kommented as a joke saying, 'Can I be offended and can be suppressed?'

In fact, it was later revealed that the plane was not descended on the highway for urination. Jim Williams 36 year air pilot He has trained his student to run a 2-seat pet airplane. Flight from Dalladiga airport has been a disaster in the next few miles. Williams tried to do anything. By no means, he crossed the track and put the indigator on the highway and landed on the highway. His student who looks at it as close as he is in the fear of Ucha

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