Saturday, December 29, 2018

Bill Gay, direct warning to Ellen Musk; What is it

Is Alan Musk, the founder of the younger generation, the SpaceX founder who was interested in science? Do not get that shock. Because it's not ordinary that warning - Bill Nay, one of the world's greatest critics.

What is that saying? Bill Naye has warned of "no" to Elan Mask, who is working on migrating Mars into one of his mammoth projects.

Red Planet

He said, 'Human beings do not occupy the Red Planet.' In a recent speech with USS Today, Bill Naye has said. He said that plans for colonization of Mars were entirely 'science fiction' stories.

Bill Naye

Bill Naye said in a speech that humans do not have enough energy to maintain the earth with all the right conditions for the improvement of life.

There is no evidence of survival

Do we need another planet that we can not look at in this planet in which we live? He has also screamed hard. He made it clear that humans could not live forever on Mars on a red planet. According to Bill Naye, there are no sources of survival there, because there is no food in the planet Mars, no food, no respiration there.

Not ready to live as Martians

"Nobody is ready to go to Mars and have a family and live there as Martians. There's no water there, no food, especially for the comrades who are interested in Mars, there's nothing to breathe, "Bill Nie said.


He also suggested that astronauts should explore the boundaries that are unknown to the intellectual alien life that somewhere thrives in one corner. In my life, I want to find living beings in a different world. Is it for Mars? Is that the next logical place? If that does, 'where is that?' People will ask. That's why we have to examine the boundaries that we can not touch, "he said.


A few days ago, Sir Martin Reese, a high-quality British astronomer and former chairman of the Royal Society, said hybrid human cybercars would colonize Mars in the future. Reese believes that these human hybrids are living creatures using biological changes and cyborg techniques.

Ellan Musk

Martin Rees said in an interview: "They have a biological shift that is relevant to their vitamin environment, and they have the motivation to use cyborg techniques, which will soon become a new species." It is possible and necessary to go to Mars in his view. Well, Ellen Musk will show who's the words he's listening to

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