Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mizoram people who eat bamboo ..! Why do you know what to eat

India is a multinational country. There are so many different kinds of people here that have unique habits, culture, culture, food and clothing. Is there some of these cultures in some places? There are a few states where you can split your mouth. Mizoram is such a delightful state. The Mizoram is one of the northeastern states of the bottom. These people seem to look just like the Chinese. If you ask for their food habits, you will be stupid. Yes, they are eating bamboo in one of the traditional dishes. As soon as he heard this, many would have come to remember that Vadivel comedy had eaten the bulb. Let's see why people in Missouri are eating bamboo. The state with the beauty .. Though many people live in India, this Mizoram has some unique features for people. Various tribes are living here. Most of these are Mizo tribes. Many people come here for the food of this state. Fish and rice .. Like our state, these states will eat rice as the main food. They are also tribal people who love to fish and eat more. But it is the favorite food for the people of Mizo if it is bamboo and ducks. Mustard oil is generally not used by the mizos people like us and oil and good oil. Mustard oil is the most important part of the cooking process. Why the bamboo feed on the bamboo and the nose in the nose are also cooked in mustard oil. Boy (bai) This boy is one of the main recipes of Mizo. They do not like oil-rich foods. Instead, they will give more importance to fast food. This is the reason why Mizo people live with long life. Similarly, this mat is also cooked with biscuits, pork, bamboo stalk and some
Can we eat the mugs? Here we are using only a food for the bamboo. But the people of Mizo use it in a variety of ways. Especially in the mammal they can eat more. They are very favorite food for the nose. That too is a bamboo stem roast. Bamboo Shoot Fry, what can be eaten and eaten on the mouth can be eaten very well. But this is true. This is the food that Mizo loves to eat and eat. It includes mushroom, bamboo stem and some herbal spices. Do they know why bamboo so much love? The body weight is the reason why the mizo people are so healthy in this bamboo. These low calories keep the body weight unchanged. These foods help to keep cholesterol on a balanced level. Can you get cancer? This is a secret behind the people of Mizo prefer to bamboo. In this bamboo cooked food, the phytosterols in the cancer prevention can prevent cancer cells from growing

Double power This bamboo stomach will be more resistant to your resistance zone. Therefore, you can easily escape diseases. This is due to the high amount of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. The phytosterols and phytonutrients in the bamboo stem are firmly soluble to the bad cholesterol in the body. Also, keep the blood vessels healthy and keep your heart healthy. The stem on this nose is the best food for respiratory problems. Eating this can remove the dirt in the lungs and get clean breath. It will also help you with the long-term cold and lung problems. The poisoning of the bamine in the Indian Ayurvedic medicine is being used as a poisonous substitute for the bamboo. These people believe that the scorching of the scorpion and snake cats is particularly fragile. It is also used by the people of Mizo as pain relief

Stomach ulcers Another important reason for the mass of mosquito people eating bamboo is to cure various stomach ulcers such as ulcers and will never be worn. Furthermore, it is more useful for medical use. If you go to Mizoram, do not forget to eat foods in this bamboo

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