Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Robot in the UK Army: The initial stage test ended

London: The new phase of the newly-connected robot took place in the UK Army. In some countries, the use of a robot to combat human casualties in war and terrorist attack is being implemented. Already Russia and the United States have a robot in their army.

In this way, the country has been conducting a warp test for the robot. This robot is normally a half feet tall. It is also possible to raise the distance up to 7 feet tall. The robot has a weight of one and a half feet and is about 7 feet wide. These robots can be operated by distance from Joystick, with the help of computer connected to it.

The robot's machine gun and small rocket bombs can also be applied. It will be able to hold the enemy's attack and attack simultaneously. As part of the experiment, it is noteworthy that the army is experimenting with first unmanned armored vehicles

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