Saturday, December 22, 2018

Russia's mysterious collections of flying plates

Various rumors have come about for decades that Russia knows decades of extraterrestrial community.

Russia's first contact with gray aliens was reportedly held in 1942. At the time, it was reported in the documents that the diplomatic missions were planned and contracts to discuss mutual problems at that time.

Translated from Russian

According to the documents, in 1961, the military officers were told that they had discovered the secret of cameras when they were not seen when they arrived at the 3-aliens and they did not know the secret meetings.

Flying plate

In 1969, when the mysterious drone crash into the province of Sverdlovsky, the military army handed it over. A video of the dead flying alien was found in a video. The catastrophe of the drummers was taken to the most safe place in Russia and the chief minister of Elian.


All of these events were broadcast in the TNTT, under the name 'Secret Documents of the Flying Force of the Russian Security Committee.' There were various photo and video sources attached.


The fact is that the Russian security system has developed a special unit to collect and monitor all information about the mysterious and unexplained incidents in Russia.


On August 10, 1989, when the mysterious drone was crashed or shot down near the city of Bratislavia in Russia, there was evidence of the failure of Russia's efforts to detect the mysterious flying object in the Soviet Army's radar and the armed forces involved. The flying plate was evaluated as 'dangerous' and immediately warning the security department, and then MIG-25 was sent.

Rescue crew

The exterior of the flying drum was significantly damaged. The rescue crew was wearing safety equipment and went there. The helicopter was flown by the flying plate to Mottak airplane. There were two alien corpses and a living aliens when the soldiers entered and explored it. The doctor team struggled to save it.

90-120 centimeters

The three organisms were wearing a gray dress at a height of 90-120 centimeters, whose skin was blue-green and had hair, large black eyes and a protective cap.

Russian researchers

These bodies were preserved in glass boxes and taken to Kabulstaniar space station, according to three Russian researchers. But there is no evidence and evidence to prove it.

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