Saturday, January 5, 2019

Facebook back in trouble: theft sample information theft!

Britain's private security firm has issued a survey report that found Facebook tracking information from Facebook users and lock-out users from the unused site.

The study also revealed that Facebook developers have been providing Facebook users with the help of Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK). It is noteworthy that developers can create new applications based on the specific operating system.


With these new software features, developers can create new processors that are specific to the operating system. The researchers then took the Android 34 processors for this study. Each of the 10 to 50 million downloaded processors. It is noteworthy that in this particular language selected processors, travel, restaurant and many other benefits.


More Facebook SDK They analyzed how to exchange information. They were tested in the period from August 2018 to December 2018, which was submitted to the paper at Germany's computer system.

61 percent of the processors

According to the survey, 61 percent of the processors have been found to be automatically sent to Facebook once the user has opened their smartphone. Once the user opens the processor every time, his information is confirmed to be sent to Facebook.


Private security firm published a study report that user profiles are sent in case Facebook does not have a Facebook account or does not have a lock or did not log in Facebook

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