Tuesday, January 8, 2019

North Korea stormed off without nuclear weapons testing

North Korea successfully conducted its stable nuclear weapons experiments without fearing anyone. It also threatened countries including the US, Japan and South Korea.

Following this, the US issued an economic ban on North Korea. This order has been implemented by various countries. North Korea-South Korea had a friendly relationship. Moreover, the US and North Korea negotiated. Then North Korea announced that it would stop nuclear tests.

Moreover, the US did not remove the economic barrier. In North Korea, they rallied against the United States and started a new era.

North Korea has stormed the US without a nuclear test.

North Korea nuclear test:

North Korea conducted its nuclear test. Many times conducted its nuclear test. Japan, South Korea and the United States, including the neighboring country,

Nuclear test warehouse:

North Korea has created various warehouses to conduct a nuclear test. Moreover, nuclear weapons and accumulation have been subdued to various countries.

Economic ban:

The United States, including North America, has imposed economic sanctions. This has resulted in a recession in North Korea's economy.
The lives of the people in general have been affected. North Korea handled various strategies to smash this.

22 missile test:

North Korea has conducted 22 missile tests, in violation of world opposition. Two tests were conducted near the Sea of ​​Japan. The US, Japan and South Korea have strongly opposed this move in North Korea.

North Korea-South Korea relationship:

However, North Korea regularly conducted missile tests, regardless of US sanctions. North Korea participated in the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea. Since then North Korea - South Korea has been in harmony with the relationship.

Nuclear deal:

This was followed by Trump-Kim in Singapore. North Korea agreed to destroy nuclear weapons at the meeting. However, it is reported that North Korea is conducting nuclear weapons checks.

No ban on North Korea:

The US has not withdrawn the sanctions imposed on North Korea as of the agreement and asking. This is why the North Korea has taken the position that we should listen to America's orders.

Pyongyin's contract:

North Korea has now warned that if Pyongych does not change its position, the country will withdraw its economic growth by increasing its nuclear power by pyongjin

UN condemnation:

In this context, the United Nations has said that North Korea has violated the basic human rights of the people by turning them into nuclear weapons. The council condemned.

UN accusation:

More than one million people in North Korea have been diagnosed with serious and chronic nutritional deficiencies in the United Nations resolution. The country's resources to be used for the benefit of the masses have been accused of using nuclear weapons and missiles.

Action against three officers:

The US State Department announced that it would take over North Korea's three major authorities over human rights violations. In this, there is an official who is considered the right hand of the North Korean Chancellor Kim Jong Yun.


North Korean Chancellor Jing Jong has hit the US President's Tornado Trump. President Trump Jing replies to this
Jones kicked him. North Korea also announced that it would hold talks with the US.

No ban on sanctions:

North Korea has decided to stop nuclear weapons production after talks with the US. In this situation, the US has not come forward to ban economic sanctions.

Rally in North Korea:

Thousands of people took part in rally in North Korea. The participants of the rally held in Phoenix city took the national flag in the hands.


The North Korean Chancellor insisted that the US did not come out of the sanctions and remove it. The rally took place in his opinion.

North Korea has stormed the US without nuclear weapons testing

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