Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Maldives court orders arrest of ex president Abdulla Yameen, history of political turmoil in the Island Nation

past several years, the higher echelons of politics in the Maldives has been intermittently in news for some of most controversial reasons like corruption, treasons etc which has drawn the attention of countries across the world.

The order of Maldivian court on Monday directing the arrest of ex-president Abdulla Yameen should not, therefore, come as a major surprise particularly for the international community.

The order for the arrest came consequently upon the preliminary hearing into an allegation that the former president has received nearly $ 1.5 million as a bribe through a private company named SOF limited, just before he lost re-election in September 2018.

In recent years, the reign of former president Abdulla Yameen had gained the notoriety for rampant corruption and misrule. Dozens of his political rivals and dissidents, including his half brother and ex-president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and another ex-president Mohamed Nasheed were jailed for obstruction of justice.

The Maldives became a Republic with Ibrahim Nasir becoming its President in 1968. Later, 10 years down the line under the regime of  Abdul Mamoon Gayoon as the President of the Island nation, it witnessed the growth of tourism thereby fuelling its economic growth. It was during the regime of Abdul Gayoom in 1988 when the Indian government had sent its commandos to foil the coup attempt of Gayoom government by the Srilankan mercenaries.

The most outstanding development in the political arena took place in August 2008 when a constitution was passed confirming the establishment of a multi-party democracy. The step paved the way for holding the democratic elections even before the completion of the term of dictator President Gayoom.

In the same year, the Maldives witnessed the historic conduct of its first democratic elections in 30 years leading to the dethroning of Asia’s longest-serving president. Gayoon was defeated by Mohamed Nasheed in the second round of voting who took the oath as the President in November 2008.

But even for the Nasheed, who had won majority 54 per cent of votes in the presidential poll, completing his full term was not a cakewalk. He had to resign in February 2012 in the wake of a countrywide demonstration over the mismanagement of the economy, hike in prices etc. Later, Nasheed while refuting that he resigned voluntarily disclosed that he was forced out in a coup instead. The ongoing phase of the political crisis which led to the resignation of Nasheed was the beginning of the constitutional crisis in the Island nation.

Following this, within a month of assuming office by new president Mohamed Waheed Hussain Manik, Nasheed was charged with illegally ordering the detention of the chief justice during his term.

The fate of former president Mohamed Nasheed again took a back seat in September 2013 when after the annulment of the first round of presidential election by Supreme court, a run-off election was held in November 2013 making Abdulla Yameen the next president of Maldives.

The presidential term of Abdulla Yameen marked the start of the most volatile political situation as, under his rule, Nasheed was jailed for 13 years after being found guilty on terrorism charges. Faced with a possible nationwide protest in support of jailed Nasheed, the government had to impose state emergency in November 2015 for the period of 30 days thus plunging the country deep into a state of political turmoil.

The year 2016 went with no major political hit except the granting of political asylum to Nasheed by Britain and the announcement of Maldives quitting the Commonwealth. The international body had earlier cautioned that if the Maldives didn’t show seriousness in promoting democracy its membership may be at risk.

Finally, as the year 2018 approached, a series of political crisis again engulfed the Indian ocean archipelago when the Supreme court ordered the freeing of dissidents and the reinstatement of 12 legislators who were expelled for quitting Yameen’s political party. The crisis began to roll on when Yameen challenged the authority of the Supreme court. Following Yameen’s order, security forces seized and blocked the highest court and left the judges virtually without any food.

Hopefully, with the surprise victory of opposition leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih over Abdulla Yameen in the presidential poll in September 2018, the tropical archipelago may well be on the path of political stability.

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