Monday, February 25, 2019

menstrual irregularity causes and symptoms here how to regulate your period naturally

Menstruation, commonly known as a period, is the monthly shedding of the lining of a woman’s uterus. In other words, it is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. The length of a menstrual cycle in women generally varies between 28-30 days, however, some women have cycles as short as 22 days. This is the time between two cycles. Menstrual bleeding usually lasts between 3-7 days. While most women have regular and punctual periods, more women experience irregular periods on and off throughout their reproductive years - this means a woman's period may show up earlier than expected, or not show up at all. Menstrual cycle irregularities can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Some common ones include - sudden weight loss, hormonal imbalances, certain medications (generally birth control pills), trauma, certain diseases, etc.

Common patterns of irregular menstrual bleeding
The average length of a menstrual cycle is around 28 – 30 days. However, the length of the cycle can increase up to 35 days in some women who have irregular periods. This condition, in medical terms, is known as Oligomenorrhea. Women with oligomenorrhea also experience a change in the periodic interval, which is accompanied by a change in the quantity of bleeding. Also, the number of days that the cycle lasts varies too. Metrorrhagia is another condition in which women have irregular but frequent periods. In this condition, the periods are longer and generally accompanied by heavy bleeding. Amenorrhea is a condition when a woman experiences an absence of periods for three to six months or longer.

Symptoms of irregular menstrual periods
Here are some of the frequently spotted symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles:

Infrequent periods
Too frequent periods
Missed periods
Blood clots
Change in quantity of blood flow
Change in duration of bleeding
Common causes behind irregular menstrual cycles
Lifestyle factors

Too much exercising or a sudden bout of exercise can trigger menstrual irregularity. For instance, when some women start training for a marathon or some event suddenly, the body cannot handle such extreme levels of physical activity on such short notice, and hence, the menstrual cycle stops or becomes irregular.

Similarly too much weight loss or weight gain over a short period of time can send the body to shock, which might interfere with the menstrual cycle.

An unhealthy diet may also be a contributing factor. The reason being the fact that the body does not get the proper level of nutrients, such as calories, vitamins and proteins, thus the menstrual cycle is adversely affected.

Use of birth control pills

Continued use of contraceptives or other kinds of birth control pills may result in hormonal imbalances which can cause irregular periods.

Other risk factors that may contribute to causing irregular periods include cysts in the ovary or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), gynaecological problems ( problems in the womb and ovaries, unsuspected pregnancy, early miscarriage), pregnancy or lactation, and overactive or underactive thyroid.

How to regulate irregular periods naturally
The good thing is there are many natural ways to help regulate your period. Here are three easy ways to regulate your menstrual cycles:

By adjusting your diet

Having a balanced diet is of utmost importance. Yet, there are some foods which are found to be very helpful in regulating periods and get your menstrual flow to be on time like pineapple and papaya. Both of these fruits contain bromelain which can help soften and break down the uterus lining. This, in turn, helps in solving a period block.

Also, cinnamon is considered as one of the most powerful home remedies for irregular menstrual cycles. Add half teaspoon cinnamon powder to warm lemon water mixed with honey or a glass of almond milk and drink it daily for a few weeks for optimal results. Cinnamon helps in regulating the insulin levels, which regulates the ovulation, thereby assisting in a regular menstrual cycle.

De-stress and pamper yourself

Stress is a major factor which can result in delays or period irregularities. Try to relax and reduce your levels of anxiety, especially, when you miss a period. Also, try taking a relaxing hot bath, Ayurvedic massage or a spa treatment. You can also try meditating to achieve calm and inner peace.

Daily exercise

This can be as simple as doing some yoga asanas or some lightweight cardio exercises. Avoid doing strenuous exercises if you are just starting out. Go for a walk or indulge in some jogging activity to keep the body active and take your mind off of things. Exercising regularly in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. The fact is that being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.

Irregular periods can seriously hamper one’s life, but there is no reason that the problems cannot be addressed. With proper guidance and care, you can overcome or deal with certain problems, including menstrual irregularities.

Medical disclaimer: All content, including advice, on this website, is provided for general information purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Times Now does not claim responsibility for the accuracy of this information. We suggest you to always consult a doctor or your healthcare specialist if you have any health issues or concerns.

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