Friday, February 22, 2019

parenting tips: how to help your teenage child deal with acne and its effects

Almost all teenagers face the problem of acne all around the world. Though pretty harmless to the body otherwise, acne can leave scars and red skin and most importantly, lead to damage in self-esteem or even bullying at school. Acne is caused when your pores get clogged with sebum, an oily substance secreted by the skin.

Acne can be of four major types – whiteheads – white-headed bumps on the skin, blackheads – black headed bumps on the skin, papules or nodules – a more serious form of acne, and cysts – deep puss-filled lesions that may be painful and itchy.

Not only it is extremely important to treat acne, but it is also important to help your child deal with the effects of the condition. As parents, you may need to take extra care of your child's mental and physical health to help them handle the problem.

Take acne seriously
If your child mentions the problem to you more than twice, it may be affecting them more than you think. The effects of acne are not just physical, they are also mental. Do not take acne and its effects lightly. See a dermatologist and try to understand the causes behind your child's acne. Also, make sure he/she knows they have your support in the process.

Avoid junk and oily food
What your child eats can have an effect on his/her skin and junk and oily food can lead to acne. Eating healthy, fibrous food is the way to go if your child wants to avoid acne or reduce the effects of it. Eating fruits rich in Vitamin C can also help reduce the marks on the skin caused due to acne.

Help them in stress management
Another reason your child may be getting acne is stress. Stress can lead to other serious diseases like heart conditions, diabetes and others later in life. It is best for your child to learn to manage stress at this age. Meditation is a great way to train your mind to reduce stress. Practise meditation with your child to help them understand the practice and also build a better bond with them.

Look for signs of depression
Many teenagers across the world suffer from depression and their parents do not have any idea about it. One symptom of being depressed can also show on your skin in the form of acne. Depression can also be triggered by bullying that your child may face due to acne. It is important to understand the signs of depression and look for them in your child if you see his/her behaviour changed to help them cope with it better.

Motivate them
Another important step in helping your child deal with acne is to talk to them about it. They should know that their personality is more than their skin conditions and motivate them to deal with acne just like any other condition. They should know that nothing is wrong with them and it is an absolutely common condition that anyone can have and is easily treatable

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