Thursday, February 7, 2019

sex hygiene tips'5 things men and women should after sex

Maintaining healthy sexual hygiene habits is important to reduce the risk of infections and enhance your overall health. Unfortunately, only a few people are aware of sex hygiene, which can help protect men and women from infections like urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Post-sex, there are chances that you and your partner just want to laze around in bed or fall asleep, but being cautious of the hygiene standards can keep troubles away. Here are a few tips every man and woman should religiously follow to prevent infections and have a good sex life.
Wash your hands: Hands being bacteria magnets - both before and during sex - ensure that they are clean and washed. You won’t want to transfer bacteria to your genital area during sex or from your genital area after sex. Give your hands another scrubbing after sexual intercourse.

Clean up down there:Washing your private parts before and after sex is very important. To stop bacteria from spreading, women should wash the outer area around their genitals with plain warm water. According to WebMD, mild soaps can be used, however, they might dry out or irritate the area if you have sensitive skin or already have an infection. For men, health experts suggest that proper cleansing, especially underneath the foreskin, is essential.

Avoid douching: Health experts warn that vaginal douching - a method to wash out the vagina - can actually increase the risk of infections, pregnancy complications, and other problems. This can happen because it distresses the natural balance of bacteria that protect your vagina. So, it’s best to skip the douche after sex, perhaps,  your vagina can clean itself naturally.

Keep clean-up simple:Instead of opting for those fancy lotions and perfumes, keep it simple by sticking to a gentle rinse with warm water after sex. Harsh soaps, detergents, perfumes, lotions, scented tampons, sprays, can irritate the delicate skin and increase the risk of infections. Just by sticking to a gentle rinse with warm water after sex.

Empty your bladder:Head to the bathroom after you’ve enjoyed some cuddle time with your partner. The idea is that bacteria can get into your urethra during sex, increasing your risk of infection. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the body. But peeing right after sex helps flush those germs out before they can travel to the bladder. Perhaps, drinking a glass of water after sex may be a good idea.

In addition to this, you must talk to your doctor if you note any discomfort that is abnormal or continues after more sexual intercourse. This will help you diagnose any problems that may exist

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