Tuesday, February 19, 2019

weight gain during exams top three diet tips to help your child fit

Exam times come with a lot of stress on parents and students. But, it’s the parents who could be the most stressed out especially because of the fact that numerous physical and mental problems can emerge as a result of long hours study. Studying for long hours require proper planning such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, maintaining activity level, etc.

But, people often catch themselves overeating or even binge eating junk food during the exam period. Perhaps, during exams children tend to eat more or munch high-fat junk food, resulting in weight gain. You can attribute these cravings to stress or disturbed sleep pattern. Yet, what many don’t know is that the age-old weight loss advice holds true for exams too. For instance, right nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle can help students perform better in the exam. Meanwhile, the CBSE Class 12 Board Examination 2019 already begun on February 15 and will conclude on April 3. And here are a few tips that will help your child stay fit, maintain balance and score high marks in exams. Read - Fighting exam time stress – 5 things every parent can and should do: CBSE Board Exams 2019

Digestion: Try to give them foods low in oil. Fats take longer to digest and the child might feel sleepy while studying. Dr Parul Patni, Nutritionist- Lifestyle and Weight Management Expert, suggests including more of foods such as whole grains like wheat, rice, corn flour that are easy to digest and packed with valuable antioxidants instead. They can also provide decent amounts of fibre and protein. However, eliminate processed foods and limit heavy foods, including meats and dairy, as they are harder to digest.
Immunity: Vegetables and fruits - these food groups are not preferred by children, but they are packed full of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, including fibre, which can help in increasing immunity. Fibre in fruits and vegetable helps to maintain gut health. You can include them in the form of puree in chapatti, soups, grated and added to salads or sandwiches. Children usually like handy food. You may give them whole cucumber or carrot with lemon. You can also include fresh juices around exam time if the child refuses to have fruits and vegetable.
Snacking options for balance: If the child refuses to eat because they don’t like the way something looks, tastes, or smells, ensure that you maintain a balance between junk and healthy snacking. You can try fruit chaat, roasted paneer, egg roll or sandwiches, cheese toast with vegetables, vegetable tikki, whole wheat wraps, soups, juices freshly prepared, milk with whole wheat cereals, etc. You may use a combination of not so healthy with healthy to keep them happy. Outside food is avoidable.
Encourage playtime, taking short breaks from study helps to retain information. These breaks should be away from gadgets and the child must be encouraged to spend time playing with pet or sibling, etc.

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