Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Link your phone number for FB's 'secure' 2FA?

Remember how Facebook repeatedly asked you to connect your mobile number with your account for a more secure two-factor authentication (2FA)? Now, it seems anyone can look up your profile using your phone number and there's no way to undo it.

Users are complaining that their phone number is being used by people to look up their profile. This basically means, even the feedback form at a restaurant containing your number is a good enough lead to your social media profile. Although you have the option to hide your phone number on your Facebook profile, there is no way you can control those who have access to your number to look up your profile, TechCrunch reported.

Last year, Facebook was forced to admit that the 2FA feature was also using phone numbers to target users with ads. Security researchers have expressed concern over using security as a way of further weakening privacy as phone numbers can be hijacked for impersonation or identity theft and break into other accounts.

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