Saturday, November 24, 2018

The British exploited 9.2 trillion euros from India between 1858 and 1947

Colombia: The Usta Patnaik study has revealed that the Anglo-Indians in India have exploited 9.2 trillion euros (currently worth Rs 7,700 trillion). India ruled India for 200 years. We have studied history in this period that they took India's wealth and exploited their country. In this case, the value of the wealth they have exploited from India is 9.2 trillion euros. An economist Usta Patnaik, an economist from India, has published a paper in the University of California, USA, studying the cash transaction during the British rule in India. The university issued the following information:

While the British were living in India for over 200 years, from 1765 to 1938, they have exploited a lot of wealth from India. All the revenue generated by the goods exported from India to various parts of the world is credited to the Indian General Secretary in London. The money did not return to India even a little bit. There was a severe famine when the British ruled India. Even then the British brought the Indians' wealth and wealth to the UK. The British now exploit the money from the federal government's 36% amount of money in the budget. That is why India is back in the economy. If they had not exploited our wealth, India would have reached the peak of the economy.

The British freed us after we made ourselves economically backward. For about 173 years they have plundered India's wealth. Thus the amount of the exploited amount is 9.2 trillion euro (ie 7,700 trillion rupees). Thus, in 1947, India's liberation had been thousands of times more than the impact of the Varda and Gaza storms. If they want to give us the money that the British exploited, they will break their country's economic position. From the exploited resources, they raised the gold balance and foreign exchange in England. The Indian workers who worked hard to increase foreign exchange paid a lower wage from the tax receipts received from them. In 1900 the need for an individual's diet was 200 grams. In the Second World War, it fell to 137 grams. It is said that the famine in the country has been overturned

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