Monday, December 31, 2018

Malaysia is banned to import recyclable plastic garbage

Putrajaya: Malaysia has been banned to import recyclable plastic garbage from overseas. Plastic trunks are being driven annually from the developed countries in the world. Most of these debris were exported to China for recycling. But considering the environment, China decided not to import plastic garbage from last year. Following this, plastic trunks are now being sent to Southeast Asian countries. Imported especially in Malaysia. The Malaysian government knows the profitable nature of the country's plastic recycling industry.

However, for environmental protection and health reasons, the Malaysian government has introduced strict rules for industry and temporary disabilities. However, the Malaysian company recycled plastic trash in the name of the palm oil plant. The plants are re-exporting to various countries. The Malaysian government found that this has been banned for importing plastic garbage. Malaysia has announced that the debris will greatly affect the soil and water resources of his country

Dam construction failures: causes of trouble

Dams are one of the many structures that promote the technological skills of humanity. However, as in other cases, there is a risk of disaster. There are various reasons for dam failure in the past throughout the world. Due to the nature of natural factors or construction materials, the construction of the dam is under pressure.

As the lesson learns from the mistakes, construction failures in the past have offered opportunities to change construction in the future. The operation of the dam, the dam are common reasons for construction failure and how to prevent it from happening here.

Dump function

Before knowing the causes of failures of dams, it is necessary to know the requirements and how they work. One of the many uses of the dam is to store water when flooding in the river. Water can be transmitted through canals by raising water through dams and maintaining the quantity of water in the nearest waters. Electricity can also be made using dams and can be used for agricultural applications.

Construction faults

Most of the materials used to build dams are available from Earth, with no concrete and iron power and durability capabilities.

In the rainy and flooded areas, the dam is formed after a certain period of time when the dam is overflowing.

Soil problems may cause problems in the soil dams. There is a lot of problems in the water supply. When the water passes through, the clay spreads and the water can be drained through the front walls. Drainage can not function properly when entering more water.

Use of landing

The durability of the dams depends on how the terrain changes it. If the tract is less water absorbed, it will give the dam to the dam. Dams have a deep base but there is a risk of underlying a heavy rainfall.

Although dams are essential for maintenance, all games of nature can not be ready. Rainforests can be of any size, and the water will be too heavy because it should be ready to handle it. High water pollution, pipeline breakage, and off breakage. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, thunder, lightning and earthquakes can lead to damage to the dam.


The dam can save a lot of lives by taking various steps to prevent construction failure. One of the most important ways to prevent dam failure is construction of dam. The Gordon Dam in Australia is tied horizontally and vertically, with any pressure to bear. The United States Hoover Dam has a variety of steering mining to channel water to canals.

If water is constantly overwhelmed by changes in the use of landscape, water can be used by planting more trees in the area.

These kinds of ways can be avoided by the dam failure and can protect people in the future through sustainable water supply

A third of humanity will rise to 5th dimension! Do you see signs?

We are experiencing a turbulent time based on the vibration of the planet. For the past one year, this has been a bit more intensive. There are people who realize this honest and negative energy.

A part of humanity is only the fifth dimension. These people feel emotional feelings, for example, nausea, body discomfort, and generally feel bad about all kinds of foods, feeling too much and feeling health.

At the energy level of the planet, we are preparing for the transformation of energy that occurs immediately. Most people will feel it in the next 2 years, so if you are one of those who feel these feelings, consider yourself privileged.

If they say this, their sensitivity is increasing, and according to quantum science, people at this level enter into the third part of humanity and thus do not know them to go to the fifth dimension. Growing up to the 5th dimension, you can follow your current life and the people coming to earth in the future.

New world
As there are vibration changes, we will live for a long time and there will always be an upgrade without anything new. As we are in the lives of the new earthly people on earth, evidence of the complete planet will never be at all and the earth will become the kind of re-creation.

Without future pain or suffering, everything will be easy. Water and sunlight are the only new man's energy base.

We will have the right satisfaction, so we will only eat precious food. The reason for vibration change is to make people realize that the pain and suffering are not bigger than life. Everything is coming soon

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VatsApp has consistently added several new features which will not be able to use WatsApp on some of the phones that do not fit into new updates.

This process has come up with different versions of stickers, group video footage, and a number of attempts to prevent fraudulent messages.

Which Nokia Mobile?

VatsApp announced the announcement on January 1, 2014, on the Nokia S40 Series
Has not been used since date. Nokia's latest S40 mobile phones are the latest
WatsApp has announced that it will not work on December 31 because it is not possible to adapt to the updates.

Nokia S40 Series

Nokia claims that Nokia's S40 models sold 1.4 billion in India, and it is disappointing that WatsApp can not be used.

Nokia 8110

It is also noteworthy that the older model Nokia customers use the Nokia 8110 4G or Geophone.

Picture in Picture Mode

The new Android beta update of the Picture of Picture Mode (PIP) was introduced in the Vats of Work in October. This new service allows you to watch videos as shown on the Watts App Store. The update with this intelligent service is now available for everyone. Videos available on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram sites can be viewed in the VATS App.

Video on Chad Box

Just click on the video you have on Watts. Video play is done in your chat box. You can see the video by watching your video with your friend Vats of Work. There is no need to go to the video site.

2.18.380 update version

The PIP, which has been tested for the last few months The service today is available for everyone at 2.18.380 update version. In addition, the WatsApp company has announced a number of new features in the upcoming VATS of Update

Lifts to space; NASA to Japan

Markandeya Katju, who recently commented on the social networking site, has been intentionally told to coincide with the recent developments in India's "tall statues". Looking at the course, the rockets are not needed to go to the spacecraft, saying the statues are enough. It is a test case, as the Japanese researchers have heard.

A team of researchers from Shisoka University in Japan work with "Japan" Aerospace Explorer Agency (JAXA) under "an incredible" project. It will begin a miniature version of the space lifts for upcoming week, namely lift tests to the spacecraft. Do you think it's a non-war idea for NASA's American space explorer? May!

Space Elevator

The tests carried out so far have implemented small, small steps in the aim of reaching short distances and simple stars. This space elevator consists of a small box containing 6 cm height, 3 cm length, and 3 cm wide. This box moves through a 10-meter cable suspended at intervals between two small cubes (CubeSats). The movement of the box is tracked through cameras via satellite.

Elevator Test

An university spokesman said in an interview, "This outer space test run in space is the world's first experiment." In 1895, there was a number of important reasons for this space lift in the Russian scientist Konstantin Kochland,

A cable that moves into space from Earth's surface

The main idea of ​​space lifts is that a cable moving from the earth's surface to space will be pending the spacecraft until it reaches the point of departure. Another important factor is that the materials required for this cable should be easier and stronger than any other object, so that it can sustain the pressure available in space.


Opaisi, a Japanese construction company that collaborated with Shiska University, is also known for building a space elevator by 2050. When this project was introduced in 2014, 'The current technologies are not capable enough to implement this concept, but our plan was realistic.

96,000 km

This project requires about 96,000 km carbon nanotube cables, a 400 m diameter Earth Earth (which must be strong enough to exceed 12500 tons). Carbon nanotubes are known to have more tensile strength than steel, which is why they have been selected for this particular space elevator program

No doubt, if the elevator, which is considered to be very impossible, would be able to reduce the financial burden of potential space exploration in the future. In fact, it is currently costing about 40,000 to 50,000 dollars per pound to a space launch. But this space elevator can be made up to 100 dollars per pound (under initial assumptions based on assumptions). Of course, the future space travel will be very exciting.

Do not cry out in government school. Who told.? Karur student who meets Japanese scientists

'What is your point of governing school?' To say that, a lazy sight and anger will prevail. Because students studying in government schools are always fighting, speaking bad words, studying properly, cutting the school out, and there are many different illusions among us. So then, when we were privately educated, did not we say bad words in life? Did you have a pain in the test? Did not the school cut and hit the cinema or beach?

If you say mouth word, no one will believe it!

The quality of a student's life is not in his / her private private or private school. Hariharan, a government school student from Karur, is very well aware that if all this is just a mouth word, no one will believe it. So he achieved it. What is that?

To participate in the Japan-Asia Youth Exchanges Project!

M.Hariharan, a student of the 16th Covent School, is to meet the greatest scientists in Japan as a result of his scientific and scientific knowledge and passion. Hariharan is one of six students selected from the entire state. They are all going to participate in Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Japan.

Japanese universities will be brought to research institutions!

The Japanese-Asia Youth Exchange Program is a project to boost the interest of Asian youth in Japanese science and technology initiatives. Hariharan, a graduate school student in Karur, is going to attend this event from May 12 to May 19. A total of six students, including Hariharan, will be taken to Japanese universities, research institutions and private companies as part of the program

All this has been done since the sixth grade.

It is noteworthy that Hariharan, who was born and raised in a simple farm family, has written a 2 plus examination and looks forward to the results. Hariharan, who wants to become a researcher, also develops the dreams of becoming a doctor and prepares for the NEET examination. Hariharan, however, says that all this has nothing to do with the recent departures.

First denied!

"When I was 11 years old, I wanted to make the right solution for the highly fueled nuclear fuel and its recycling at that time. However, my solution was denied that it was out of practice. I later provided possible solutions to issues related to environmental degradation. That's the way I'm handling the grammatical waste from the tanning salons. "Hariharan, who says that he is interested in many of the first recognition.

Union scientist awarded Union scientist

So far, Hariharan has earned the 'Insovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research' by the Department of Science and Technology. Furthermore, Hariharan's ecological sanitation compost toilet has been awarded with the Union Government's Young Scientist Award. That's all together, Hariharan goes to Japan. We are grateful to the teacher P.Danapal who is a guide to Hariharan in this place

IPhone in the foot pocket burned

Apple's phones are making the world a whole mess. In this case, the iPhone has introduced new mobile phone models. It has been sold with dual sims.

In the meantime, an X-Max phone was put on a foot pocket, which suddenly burned fire. So he missed the chest, waits, and luckily escaped.

New phone phone X:

Last few months ago, the new X phone was introduced all over the world. The phone was introduced with Dual SIM and got a great response to this phone.

Phone burned:

One of the Ohio's province's US officials said that the phone had burned Apple Den S Max, a man who had a foot shirt.

Purchased three weeks ago:

In this scenario, Josh Hillard from Columbus bought Apple Ten Max Max iPhone three weeks ago. The office has been in the retirement room.

Burned fire:

He said the fire was released from the iPhone, which had been placed in a foot shirt. Immediately he has succeeded.

Ran to the toilet:

At that time, the woman had been with her, however, running out of the foot shirt to save her life, she went off to the bathroom and switched off by fire extinguisher.

Approve new phone call:

Hiller said he would take legal action against the company, despite Apple's claims that the new iPhone would be paid

Pakistan to buy nuclear weapon for Russia to retaliate

To retaliate India, the Pakistani tiger has taken over the tail and is looking for a penny. Now Pakistan plans to buy nuclear weapons beyond China.

The Indian army has attacked various attacks including the Syrian Strike and the Pakistani military camp. The Pakistani state has been struck down by India's attacks.

In this case, Pakistan has purchased 600 artillery tanks from Russia that have been used to attack Indian military positions.

Surgical Strike:

The radicals attacking the Pathankot airbase were hiding in borders in Pakistan. To destroy this, the Indian army destroyed the Pakistani border,

Failure of attacks:

Pakistan suffered untimely attacks in India at various times. India can not resist the army, and with no modern weaponry.

S-400 missile from Russia:

India will attack and destroy China, Pakistani military abuses and drone and missiles, including the S-400 missile and war worm, which will be destroyed by 380 km.

Attack at 90 places at one time:

The S-400 missile has the ability to strike at 90 locations at one time. 4 ways to attack and destroy enemy targets. In the Rs 45,000 crore, 5 mobile launchers are launched.

Cricket Warship:

Also, Russia buys 4 cricketing war ships from Russia. Also, it can attack the deep sea in the Indian Ocean.

Russia's nuclear weapons are challenging the United States. There are also various technological facilities.

Quality of nuclear weapons:

Russia has a large number of nuclear weapons that are capable of delivering quality technology and attacks. Pakistan is currently using the inventory equipment in China. In this case, China is also planning to attack and take up weapons from Russia.

Keeps track of the border:

By 2025, the Pakistani government led by Prime Minister Imran Khan decided to upgrade weapons and strengthen the surveillance tasks in the border areas.

600 artillery:

India's military intelligence officials said today that the Pakistani military is planning to purchase 600 artillery tankers, including T-90 from Russia.

Will stop at the border:

These cannons are capable of accurate attack on targets of 3 to 4 kilometers. These are considered to be halted in Jammu and Kashmir state border areas.

120 guns from Italy:

SB from Italy Pakistan has purchased 245 sophisticated guns from the Mike 'category and 120 of them have arrived.

Attack on India:

Pakistan is keen to buy nuclear weapons from India's most friendly country, Russia, to attack India. Since the Indian army has Russian nuclear weapons, the tiger has come up with the tilt of the Pakistani pane

The brilliant police actress to protect the lives of the ambulance ... viral video

To protect the lives of those in ambulance, a young policeman acted very smartly. In the context of this video spreading on social networks, the policeman has been acclaimed throughout the country.


The death toll from road accidents and road accidents in India is increasing day by day. Because of the accidents, around 3 lakh people are losing a year on Indian roads.


So it is a great shock for India to emerge as one of the country's most vulnerable people in road accidents. The latest report by the World Health Organization has been mentioned in the report.


Persons trapped in road accidents in India do not have proper medical care at all. People who are struggling in road accidents are more likely to save their lives if they get adequate medical care.


In English it is referred to as 'Golden Hour'. In India too, traffic congestion is also preventing people from getting involved in road accidents at the right time.


All of us can be seen as an eye-opener for those who are struggling to survive in the crash and the ambulances taking the hospital for treatment, sometimes trapped in heavy traffic.


Indian roads are one of the most traffic congested in the world. Most motorists here do not follow traffic rules. Causing unnecessary confusion and traffic congestion

Moreover, even the narrow roads and the occupation of roads are considered the most important causes of traffic congestion. It is because of such reasons that the ambulances are also in a hurry.


In the context of this situation in Kottayam, Kerala, recently an ambulance was caught in a serious traffic jam. Large number of vehicles, including large buses and cars, stood there.


The road was very narrow to the road. The ambulance arrived in such a difficult time. Ranjith Kumar Radhakrishnan, a policeman, was shocked by this.


He ran to the center of the road without any delay, running out of there, buses, caring and caring for an ambulance. He left other vehicles off the road and the ambulance was following him.


Soon very soon, policeman Ranjith Kumar Radhakrishnan gave way to Ambulance. In a very narrow road, he has been acclaimed in the context of a large number of vehicles, and he is now resident.


These incidents have been recorded in the Ambulance's Dashboard camera. This video has been spread over all social networks, including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter

Police have also accumulated praise from policeman Ranjith Kumar Radhakrishnan, police officers, netsisans and civilians. At the same time, the ambulance's driver is acclaimed.


Because in such a narrow road he drove the ambulance very lively. You can see below the video that is spreading on the social web sites.

As mentioned above, traffic congestion on Indian roads, ambulance and fire trucks is a regular one. Sometimes other motorists refuse to give way to such emergency vehicles.


The young policeman Ranjith Kumar Radhakrishnan, who gave the opportunity to go to the ambulance very quickly, thinks that he is a resident of such a situation.


Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector Nija Lingapapa, a Karnataka-based state capital, has similarly been praised for the past few months.


In June 2017, then President Pranab Mukherjee visited the event in Karnataka. Later, he was going to the Rajpavan with the safety of the security forces

This led to heavy police protection. But in the area of ​​Tridenti Circle, an ambulance was trapped in traffic jam and could not go further.


Sub inspector Nije Lingapappa, who noticed this, boldly blocked the president's kanai and gave way to the ambulance. It is noteworthy that this incident has been a great diamond across the country, and it is noteworthy that the real lingappa has been praised and prizes.


All motorists take the responsibility in their hands, get trapped in traffic jams, and even better if they volunteer to provide ambulance and fire vehicles.


Ambulance and fire fighting vehicles are struggling to save lives. The vehicles must be given priority on the roads. It is noteworthy that every moment of delay can be dangerous for someone's life.


In the meantime, motorists are usually carrying some of the ambulance and fire vehicles. The main reason is that you can easily get out of the traffic jam.


That is, they will travel to the ambulance and fire trucks to drive them. But this should be avoided. Because it also causes road accidents

f you see the ambulance and fire trucks on the road to get trapped in traffic jams, do not be late to try to give them immediate access.


Because of the urgent need for ambulance and fire trucks, maybe time may be required for you or your loved ones tomorrow

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Actress ready to compete in the US presidential election

London: US presidential election will be held in November 2020. President Trump is expected to re-contest on behalf of the Republicans. On behalf of the Democratic Party, many have decided to contest the presidential candidate. Angelina Jolie, a renowned Hollywood actress and ambassador to the United Nations Refugee Agency, interviewed BBC Radio yesterday.

Are you going to entrust politics to him? The question was asked. Angelina Jolie replied, "If I had asked this question 20 years ago, I'd smile. I'm not really sure. But I always say that I will go to where I need it. I do not know whether I am eligible for politics. If necessary, I will compete in the presidential election, "he laughed

Flooding in the Philippines: Flood following earthquake and landslide killed 22 people

Manila: 22 people have died due to the earthquake in the Philippines. In Indonesia, the volcano erupted in the last few days, and its grenades fell into the sea, causing heavy damage to the earth. In this tsunami, more than 400 people died. This was followed by a seismometer. In the Philippines, the worst earthquake was reported yesterday. The earthquake occurred on the island of Mindanao in the south.

It was recorded at 6.9 on the Richter scale. The buildings were severely stunted. The people in the houses were shouting and came to midnight. It was a danger to the tsunami. So people rushed to the middle ground. However, the tsunami was issued and then returned. The earthquake was felt in neighboring Indonesia too. Following the earthquake, floods and landslides continued. A total of 22 people have been killed in the Baigal area and 6 in the East Vryas area, according to disaster management officials

Internet connection in India crossed 50 crore

The number of Internet connections in India has exceeded 50 crores. This is a major reason for the Indian population. Added,
In India, the number of boreaus has increased.

India is traveling on the high-speed internet road called Super Highway. In addition, 4 ji is currently tested in 5 ji. Technology growth and use have increased.

34 crore links:

By 2018, the Union Government had planned to increase the number of Internet connections to 50 Crores. As of March 2016, there were 34 crore internet connections in India.

49 crore Internet connections:

As of March 2017, it has crossed 42 crore Internet connections. Last March was 49 crore Internet connections. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), India has 56 crore internet connections as of last September.

56 crore link:

Out of these 56 crore connections, 64 percent, or 36 crore connections in urban areas, and 36 percent in rural areas.

20 crore links:

There are over 20 crore connections in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Gujarat and Maharashtra in the overall internet connections in India.

45% increase:

The number of Internet connections increased by 45 per cent compared to 2016

Stephen Hawking's danger is 'very late'!

Are intelligent alien civilizations? If the question of whether or not the question arises, the decision of the conversation should go further in the answer. Yes, another species of aliens or extraterrestrials, such as the human planet known as extraterrestrials, is entirely about quest.

How do we find them? Where are they How would you look? What steps should we take to get them - or when - will we find them, or will we find them before us? There are so many questions.

Stephen Hawking

But all this is the only answer of the late physicist Professor Stephen Hawking - not only to search for them. Why does he say that? According to him, the search for better civilizations (or the aliens) or the access to them can create a dangerous environment for humanity and their inhabitants. In fact, he does not even try to communicate with them. Anani's situation has become pale.


Because we (human race) have already been broadcasting our existence for as many years as possible in the universe. This means that we have sent a messenger.

This warning of Hawking's 'dead' has survived through a new online movie called the favorite places of Stephen Hawking. He has also claimed that the CGI spacecraft called the SSHKing is his favorite place.

Jeelies 832 c

The film says, 'When I grew up, I'm more confident than we are not alone. I will help through the Breakthrough Listen project for a lifetime and to find a new global initiative. This is a plan to examine the existence of symptoms of life in the planets, and consequently the scattered millions of stars will be scanned. One day we get a signal from a planet like 832C. But we have to answer carefully. "

Scan the stars

It is noteworthy that the Jelis 832C is a planet that is 16 light years away from Earth. If you do not know about the Breakthrough Listen project - it's a plan to scan the closest stars for radio signals to believe that it can help you find the intelligent life source (the Aliens) in the universe. This is an ambitious attempt, this project is undertaken by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner (US $ 100 million).

Nobody knows

Recently, the $ 100 million project announced that it would be replaced by an alternative "Alien Megastrager", which represents a star called KIC 8462852 with some stars. There is a legitimate cause for this galaxy target for research. It's the power generator in this galaxy. It is suspected to be caused by 'interstellar junk' or a comet. But nobody knows what's really happening there.

The destruction of humanity

Despite the extraordinary efforts of Hawking to find intellectual life in the universe, he presented the obvious and contradictory view that he really should not try to communicate them. It is his opinion that it will create potential risks, such as the destruction of humanity or the alien invasion.


In the film, they say, 'They are very powerful and they will see us as we see bacteria.' So, No warning can be made anymore. Can only be ready

Einstein who hated capitalism! What is the reason?

Although much of Alfred Janstein tea shorts and coffee makers come, this famous physicist never always liked capitalism. Einstein's view of the world is that the system is not only turning people against each other, but also turns people into nature.

When people live in small groups, the community will take care of its members.


Einstein wrote: "When it comes back, it's always happy when individuals or relatively small groups are completely self-sufficient."

We are now part of a world economy that is constantly competing for food, housing and work.

Economic anarchy of bourgeois society

Individuals are more cautious than never before in social dependence. But Einstein says that they do not consider this dependence as an organic product, as a security force, but rather to its natural rights or threat to his economic existence.

Einstein says my opinion is the economic anarchy of the present capitalist society, the real source of evil.


Humans naturally compete with each other while cooperating. But capitalism promotes competition and breaks up social ties without encouraging cooperation.

The bourgeoisie

All human beings are affected by this degeneracy, regardless of their status in society. Without knowing their own ego, they feel innocent, unprotected and lonely and feel their simple and extraordinary experience, "continues Einstein.

Instead of living in cooperating societies, the bourgeoisie is encouraging business leaders to take power and exploit their workers for profit.

Unemployed army

'Production is used for profit, not for use' Einstein says. "An 'unemployed army' is almost always ... technical advancement leads to further unemployment, without halting workloads."

Schools also promote competition rather than natural.

An exaggerated competition

"These individuals have ceased to think of the worst of capitalism, and our entire academic system is affected by this evil," says Einstein. 'An exaggerated competitive attitude is taught in students, it is trained only to gain the success of their future life.'


This problem is not just for human society. The wrong imagination of humans cuts them off from nature.

Einstein says, 'Human beings are part of the universe as a whole,' man says he feels that his thoughts and feelings are separated from others.

This idea will make life a lonely battle.

To release

Einstein says, 'This illusion is a prison for us, our personal desires and the love of our close personalities.' "Our task is to get rid of all the creatures and the whole beauty of nature, to get rid of our minds by expanding our thoughts." Says Einstein

10 ultra premium smartphones of 2018!

Apple iPhone XS / XS Max

The premium smartphone division is top-notch for Apple's new generation iPhones. Both the iPhone XS and the iPhone XSMax, released in September of this year, have more powerful cameras for video recordings. One of the highlights of Apple's A 12 Bionic chipset is that they provide high performance. The 5.8 inch screen on the iPhone XS and the 6.5 inch screen at the iPhone XX Max and Super Retina HD screens. The iPhone XS gray available at 99,990 is available in Silver Gold colors. The iPhone XS Max available in Rs 1,04,990 is available in SPACE Gray and Silver Gold.

Google Pixel 3 / Pixel 3 XL

Pixel 3 Duo phones can not be avoided when talking about the primary smartphones. The stock offers some of the high quality features like the stock user interface of the Google Chrome. The powerful single lens on the back of the camera is not available on any other single or dual lens smartphones. Google Pixel 3 was announced at the New York-based Made-by-Google concert in October. The Pixel 3 with 5.5 inch P-OLED screen is priced at Rs 66,500 and is available in pure white and black colors. The pixel 3XL with a 6.3 inch P-OLED screen is Rs 78,500 and is available in pure white and black colors.

Huawei Made 20 Pro

The third Ultra premium smartphone of 2018 was released in October 2018 and ended in November in the Indian market. This phone in Kirin 980 chipset is the most powerful phone available on the market. There are three rear camera sensors on the phone offering high quality features. 40MP primer wide angle lens camera with f / 1.8 aperture, 20MP ultra wide angle sensor in f / 2.2 aperture, and 8MP telephoto lens in f / 2.4 aperture. The smartphone is priced at Rs. 69,990 in India, Black, Tweelett, Midnight Blue and Green colors.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

The Galaxy Note 9 has a number of high quality features in the eye-catching design. The phone was released in August, the most popular Samsung smartphone released in 2018. Stylus is S-Pen to complete specific functions. Multitasking can easily be done with Snapdragon 845 / Exynis 9810 octa chip and 6GB RAM. The phone is available at Rs. 67,900 and is available in Midnight Blake, Medallic Copper and Ozone Blue colors.

Samsung Galaxy S 9 / S 9 Plus

These two phones, which are ranked fifth in the 2018 premium smartphones, feature some modern features, premium user experience, and external appearance. The main feature of the Super AMOLED 'Infinity Display' is the 5.8 inch screen in S9 and the 6.2 inch screen on the S9 Plus. The Galaxy S 9 is priced at Rs. 57,900 and S9 Plus is priced at Rs. 52,900.

Ons 6D

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Olsz, is ranked 6th on the list of premium phones in 2018. The release date was announced on October 2018, after Apple's announcement was announced on the scheduled date. The phone has an aluminum frame and rear glass design that allows multitasking, Snapdragon 845 chipset and 6GB RAM. The 6.41-inch optic AMOLED panel is equipped with a 1080 x 2340 pixel resolution and 402 ppi pixel density. It has a 3,700 mAh non-removable Li-Po battery, available in both colors at Rs 37,999 in India, Midnight Blake and Mirror Blake.

The 10-inch 6-inch 6L McLaren Edition is priced at 50,999.

ASUS rock phone

It was released in June in India, by Taiwan's Gaming Smartphone. 6-inch Full HD + AMOLED HDR 9-Hz, 1ms response time AMOLED + DCIP3 gamut screen that offers excellent gaming input. Snapdragon 845 SoC 2.96GHz processor helps with 8GB RAM for multi-tasking. The price of this rock phone is Rs 69,990.

LG V40 Think

In October last year LG released the phone in the list of premium smartphones. The Snapdragon 845 chipset with Adreno 630 GPU is ideal for this phone-based graphics task. With a 6GB RAM, 64GB storage and 512GB storage with memory cards, the price is Rs 72,490

Vivo Nex

This is the first Android Smartphone with popup slider camera offering a non-baseless design. Snapdragon 845 chipset and 8GB RAM can be quickly docked with a multi-touch screen with a 6.6-inch Super AMOLED 1080 x 2160 pixel screen. It is available in black and red colors at Rs 44,990.

Oppo Pint X.

The popup slider camera is the same as the Vivo Nex. It has a very slim design, in the glass rear and aluminum frame. The dual lens camera is a 16MP f / 2.0 aperture primary sensor and 20MP f / .0 aperture second sensor. This phone with Snapdragon 845 and 8GB RAM is available in red and black colors at Rs 58,000

New regulations for Flipkart and Amazon since January 1, 2019: Central Government Action

New regulations have been announced for online companies such as Flipkart and Amazon. The new government will come into force on January 1, 2019.

In India, in the past few years, online trade has been widely grown in India, and companies such as Blipkart and Amazon are all identified in India
The two companies have also achieved record sales.

Amazon and Bilgart specifically offer special offers to retain their customers and eliminate competitors,
The central government has imposed new regulations for online companies. The Commerce Ministry has issued a statement on these issues, let's see what the report is.

Regulation 1:

Online companies should offer service to all sellers without discrimination.

Control 2:

Online companies should not only set the price for a particular company and do not set a high price.

Regulation 3:

Then a seller must sell only 25 per cent of its products through online companies.

Regulation 4:

Online companies should not have a position that they only sell a particular product.

Planning -5:

Online retailers should not force any vendor to sell goods only

Control -6:

Do not discriminate according to customers as a special offer and discount on the name of cashback.

Central government

Various trade organizations, including Snapdeal, have welcomed the move by the federal government, and then companies such as Amazon Flipkart are now contracted with manufacturing companies
Some of the more smartphone types can be prevented from getting to the front of the market and claiming that they only get it. Then at a specified time, less
It is noteworthy that the number of smartphones sold online can make it a very rare subject

Saturday, December 29, 2018

This is the cost of building this electric scooter ... Indian youth who challenges China ...

At a very low cost, there are a number of highlights at an electric scooter developed by an Indian youth. This electric scooter has now attracted everyone's attention.


Petrol and diesel fuel prices in India are very high. Besides, all of the petrol and diesel vehicles are polluting the air. Most of the Indian cities are now stuck in air pollution.


Electric vehicles will be the best solution for both issues. If you use electric vehicles, you can get the money spent on gasoline and diesel. Instead, electric vehicles can be charged very easily, at low cost.


As well as gasoline and diesel vehicles, electric vehicles will never affect the environment. These are highly environmentally friendly. For such reasons, electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular among consumers.


It is rarely a matter of time before you see electric vehicles on Indian roads. But nowadays most electric vehicles have begun to tour. This shows that sales of electric vehicles are on the rise.


With increasing interest in electric vehicles among consumers, leading companies, including Tata and Mahindra, are producing competitive competitive electric vehicles

In this context, a youth named Prince, from Pathanamthitta, Punjab, has created himself an electric scooter. The electric scooter, which has a number of highlights, now draws attention to everyone.


The first feature is that the Honda Octavia scooter, which runs in petrol, has transformed into an electric scooter. Prince bought a Honda Octavia scooter for 4,400 rupees.


That's why he has changed his entire skills and now transforms into an electric scooter. It has been 5 years to complete this work. This scooter has a number of highlights.


The top speed of this electric scooter is 65 km. There is no food security in this. If the scooter is pulled out on the scooter, then the scooter goes to the safe mode.


In the mode mode, the scooter's top speed is only 35 kilometer. Scooter does not travel at this speed. At the same time, the scooter will travel at speeds of up to 65 km at regular top speed if pressed into the choke

This electric scooter is equipped with a Samsung Lithium Ion battery. Prince, who created the scooter, said that if it was charging once, 85 kilometers of freeway could be freely traveled.


It is noteworthy that if you use more powerful chargers up to 50 A, in one and a half hours, the battery will be charged. He has also done some cosmetic changes.


Actuiva's original headlights and indigators have been removed. Instead, the rectangular LED unit headset is mounted. At the same time, handlers have been placed on both ends.


As well as scooter startup mode has also been changed. When the key is pressed, the right side will hit the brake lever, the scooter is automatically strapped. It is worth mentioning that only 56 thousand rupees have been created to create such a high scooter scooter.


Prime Minister Modi-led federal government has been promoting the use of electric vehicles due to the need to reduce crude oil imports of petrol and diesel, including the need to protect the environment

By the year 2030, the central government first targeted all vehicles operating in India to be electric vehicles. But this is unlikely, the target of 100 per cent, the central government has now changed to 30 per cent.


By 2030, 30% of the total vehicles operating in India should be electric vehicles. The Central Government is taking serious measures.


As part of this, if you identify and encourage such talented young people, the use of electric vehicles in India will be faster than China and the United States.


It is noteworthy that if these talented young people receive government assistance, they can still produce low-cost, high-end electric vehicles and bring them to the public

This is the only punishment for a woman lawyer who dumped the car and killed 2 innocent people ...

If you know the penalty for a female prosecutor who drove the car and drove the car in a hurry, you might be angry.


The number of deaths due to road accidents and road accidents in India has been increasing day by day. Due to road accidents, around 3 lakh people die in India in a year alone.


The latest report released by the World Health Organization has revealed that this information has been confirmed by a shock. In addition, due to road accidents, millions of people die in India one year.


Drunk driving is the most important reason for most road accidents. In this context, on June 10, 2015, a road accident in the country's commercial capital, Mumbai, caused a stir around the country.


A Mumbai-based lawyer Janavi Khadkar, who was driving her luxury car in the early hours of the afternoon, He was so overwhelmed.


Jawani Khadkar, who was not so modest, drove the car in a hurry. In addition, he paid the car on the Rong Side in violation of the rules. The car in which Jawani Khadkar was driving was bumped into a taxi over a taxi.


In this, a taxi driver and a traveler traveling in it were totally 2 dead. In addition, three passengers were injured. The woman's lawyer who was driving in a drunken driving and causing the death of two people was furious

At the time of the accident, the police confirmed that the lawyer Janavi Khadkar was too drunk. So the police arrested Janavi Gadkari immediately and arrested in jail.


But only for 58 days he was in prison. The court then released him on conditional bail. After 58 days, Janak Ghatgar has come out of jail.


Earlier, on September 15, 2015, the lawyer Janavi Gadkari ordered the cancellation of Driving License and ordered the RDO. But Janavi Kadkar appealed to the Transport Commissioner's Office to oppose the order issued by the RTO.


But the Transport Commissioner's Office has denied this. In January 2016, Janavi Gadkari's Driving License was canceled for the second time. It was announced that the order issued by the RTO was going on.


However, Janaki Gadkari felt that his driving license should be renewed. So he filed a petition recently in the Bombay High Court. He raised questions about the cancellation of his driving license.


But this time also his success did not succeed. The order was issued after Janavi Gadkari's driving license was canceled. So he can not renew the driving license

According to the news of the Times of India, the trial of the ongoing investigation into the accident has been completed and it is now being ordered that any part of the country can not drive janavi kadkar vehicles until its verdict.


But is it just a penalty for a person who has caused the death of two more casualties, Is the question of everyone. More than 3 years after the accident, its verdict has not yet been released.


So, only 58 days of jail, Jawani Khadkar came out. When will the trial begin? When will its verdict come out? Questions are not answered right now.


India's legal proposals can not be an important reason for such road accidents due to negligence. But in countries like China, Brazil and Singapore, there is heavy punishment for drunken driving.


In China blood alcohol level is 0.02% to 0.08%, the vehicle's license is suspended for 6 months. If it is more than 0.08 percent, then 3 years imprisonment will be imposed. The license will be suspended for 5 years.


In Brazil, alcohol levels are 0% -0.06% in the blood, the license is suspended for one year and the penalty is imposed. At the same time, 0.06 percent will be charged for 6 months to 3 years

In Singapore, the alcohol level will be 0.035% to 0.09% and the fine will be between Rs 9,500 and Rs 19,000. There are also opportunities for license suspension from 1 year to 3 years.


If this is higher than 0.09 per cent of the blood in the blood, the vehicle will be imposed for a vehicle driving, Rs 23,000 fine and 6 months and 3 years imprisonment.


The most important thing is that the trial is quickly completed and the sentence is immediately pronounced. Because of this, there is a number of casualties due to road accidents and road accidents.


But driving a driving license in India has resulted in a driving license for only two people who have been killed and two years after driving. When will the case come up? The question is not answered.


He was driving four times as much as he did, and news was reported at the time of the accident. Instead of the allowed amount, it was found in the experiments that were combined with 4 times more alcohol in the bloodstream of Zanavi Kadkar.


It is noteworthy that no existing legal plans in India are in line with the standards of International Public Health Institutions, to prevent driving and drinking of road accidents

India is far behind in enforcing road safety regulations. India is far behind in enforcing legal plans for preventing drunken driving.


The World Health Organization has released a list of countries that are in the process of implementing legal plans to prevent roadblocks driving drunk in 2015.


India had only 4 out of 10 marks. But China had 9 out of 10 scores. In addition, Singapore, Australia and France earned 8 out of 10 scores. Brazil earned 10 out of 10 scores.


But India's marks are just 4. It is time for India to realize that it can only save innocent civilians from drunken demons if they are hard to frame legal plans

Motorola smartphones of the year 2018

Motorola is one of the companies that made good attractive models in 2018. There were customers without worry about charging because the company released phones in PowerBall Battery. The company has released many modern designs this year.

A few Motorola models will be charged for 15 minutes, and the turbo power battery is available for about 6 hours running. As well as the sports display, cameras with cameras, 4K video access, type cd port, etc. Let's look at the best Motorola phones released this year

Motorola One Power:

6.2 Inch Full HD Display

1.8 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 636 Processor

4 GB, 64 GB Storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Dual sim

Android 8.1 Oreal

Camera with a camera of 16 MB, 5 MB Secondary Camera

12MP camera

4G volt

A 5000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto G6

5.7 Inch Full HD Display

1.8 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 450 Processor

3 GB, 32 GB Storage

4 GB, 64 GB Storage

128GB memory card facility

Dual sim

Android 8.1 Oreal

12MP camera, 5MB secondary camera

16MP camera

4G volt

3000 mAh battery

Pinger prints sensor

Motorola Moto G6 Plus

5.93 Inch Full HD Display

2.2 Hedge octogor SnapTragon 450 processor

6 GB, 64 GB Storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

12MP camera, 5MB secondary camera

16MP camera

4G volt

3200 mAh battery

Pinger prints sensor

Motorola Moto Z 3

6 inch full HD display

2.45 Heads Octopor Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Processor

4 GB, 64 GB Storage

2DB memory card facility

Dual sim

Android 8.1 Oreal

12MP camera, 5MB secondary camera

8MP camera

4G volt

3000 mAh battery

Pinger prints sensor

Motorola Moto G6 Play

5.7 Inch Full HD Display

1.4 Heads octogor SnapTragon 450 processor

3 GB, 32 GB Storage

Memory card facility

Dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

Camera, 5 MB Secondary Camera with 13 MB

8MP camera

4G volt

4000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto G6 Plus

5.93 Inch Full HD Display

2.2 Hedge octogor SnapTragon 450 processor

6 GB, 64 GB Storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

12MP camera, 5MB secondary camera

16MP camera

4G volt

3200 mAh battery

Pinger prints sensor

Motorola Moto E5 Plus

5.99 Inch Full HD Display

Octavore Qualcomm SnapTragon 430 Processor

3 GB, 32 GB Storage

128GB memory card facility

Dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

12MP camera, 5MB secondary camera

5MP camera

4G volt

A 5000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto E5

5.7 Inch Full HD Display

1.4 Heads Octopor Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 Processor

2 GB, 16GB Storage

128GB memory card facility

Single / dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

Camera, 5 MB Secondary Camera with 13 MB

5MP camera

4G volt

4000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto E5 Play

5.2 Inch Full HD Display

1.4 Heads Snapdragon 425 Processor

2 GB, 16GB Storage

Dual sim

Android 8.0 ORIO

8MP rear camera, 5MB secondary camera

5MP camera



Splash Resistant

Turbo Charging

Pingerprint sensor

2800 mAh battery

Motorola B30

6.2 Inch Full HD Display

1.8 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 636 Processor

6GB and 128 GB memory card facility

/ Dual sim

Android 8.1 Oreal

Camera with a camera of 16 MB, 5 MB Secondary Camera

12MP camera

4G volt

Best Pocket Phones for 2018

n 2018 it was a great year for mobile buyers. Many model smartphones come with different amenities at low prices

Only a few of the expensive models available in low-cost smartphones this year. Particularly affordable phones have been released at a price of Rs.10,000

Various models, including the best OS, modern software, smart assistant, split screen models, phase revision model, came out at Rs. 10 thousand. Let's look at some of these models now

Realm 2

6.2 inch class display

1.8 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 450 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Color OS 5.1

Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

8MP camera

Dual 4G volt

4230 mAh battery

Redmi 6

5.45 Inch Curve Class Display

2 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 450 Processes

3 GB RAM, 32/64 GB storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Dual sim

12 MB, cameras after 2 MB

5MP camera

Dual 4G volt

3000 mAh battery

Redmi Y2

5.99 Inch Curve Class Display

2 Heads Octopor SnapTragon 450 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Android 8.1

Dual sim

12 MB, cameras after 2 MB

16MP camera

4G Volta

3080 mAh battery

Honor 7a

5.7 Inch Curve Class Display

Octavore Qualcomm 430 Processes

2/3 GB RAM, 32GB Storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Android 8.0

Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

8MP camera

4G Volta

3000 mAh battery

Honor 7 c

5.99 Inch Curve Class Display

1.8 Heads Octopor Qualcomm 450 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB

Android 8.0

Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

8MP camera

4G Volta

3000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto E5

5.7 Inch Curve Class Display

1.4 Heads Octopor Qualcomm 450 Processes

2 GB RAM, 16GB storage

128GB memory card facility

Android 8.0

Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

5MP camera

4G Volta

Pinger prints sensor

4000 mAh battery

Motorola Moto E5 Plus

5.99 Inch Curve Class Display

Octavore Qualcomm 430 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

128GB memory card facility

Android 8.0 ORIO

Dual sim

12 MB, cameras after 2 MB

5MP camera

4G Volta

Pinger prints sensor

A 5000 mAh battery

Infinix Note 5

5.99 Inch Curve Class Display

2.5 Heads Octocor Gualcolm 450 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage

128GB memory card facility

Android 8.1 Oreal

Dual sim

12 MB, cameras after 2 MB

16MP camera

4G Volta

Pinger prints sensor

The 4500 mAh battery

Real C1

6.2 inch class display

1.8 Heads Octopor Qualcomm 450 Processes

2 GB RAM, 16GB storage

128GB memory card facility

Color OS 5.1

Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

5MP camera

4G Volta

4230 mAh battery

Lenovo K9

5.7 Inch Curve Class Display

2 Heads Octopor Qualcomm 450 Processes

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

Memory card facility up to 256 GB


Dual sim

13 MB, cameras after 2 MB

13MP camera

4G Volta

Pingerprint sensor

3000 mAh battery

Zenbone Max M1

5.7 Inch Curve Class Display

SnapTragon 425/430 450 Processes

2/3 GB RAM, 16/32 GB Storage

Dual sim

13 MB +8 MB cameras

8MP camera

Micro SD / Volta / Wave

Bluetooth 4.0

Pingerprint sensor

4000 mAh battery

Panasonic Elkha Ray 600

5.99 Inch Curve Class Display

1.3 Heads Quadcore Media Deck Processor

3GB RAM, 32 GB storage

128GB memory card facility

Dual sim

13MB camera

8MP camera

4G Volta

4000 mAh battery

Bill Gay, direct warning to Ellen Musk; What is it

Is Alan Musk, the founder of the younger generation, the SpaceX founder who was interested in science? Do not get that shock. Because it's not ordinary that warning - Bill Nay, one of the world's greatest critics.

What is that saying? Bill Naye has warned of "no" to Elan Mask, who is working on migrating Mars into one of his mammoth projects.

Red Planet

He said, 'Human beings do not occupy the Red Planet.' In a recent speech with USS Today, Bill Naye has said. He said that plans for colonization of Mars were entirely 'science fiction' stories.

Bill Naye

Bill Naye said in a speech that humans do not have enough energy to maintain the earth with all the right conditions for the improvement of life.

There is no evidence of survival

Do we need another planet that we can not look at in this planet in which we live? He has also screamed hard. He made it clear that humans could not live forever on Mars on a red planet. According to Bill Naye, there are no sources of survival there, because there is no food in the planet Mars, no food, no respiration there.

Not ready to live as Martians

"Nobody is ready to go to Mars and have a family and live there as Martians. There's no water there, no food, especially for the comrades who are interested in Mars, there's nothing to breathe, "Bill Nie said.


He also suggested that astronauts should explore the boundaries that are unknown to the intellectual alien life that somewhere thrives in one corner. In my life, I want to find living beings in a different world. Is it for Mars? Is that the next logical place? If that does, 'where is that?' People will ask. That's why we have to examine the boundaries that we can not touch, "he said.


A few days ago, Sir Martin Reese, a high-quality British astronomer and former chairman of the Royal Society, said hybrid human cybercars would colonize Mars in the future. Reese believes that these human hybrids are living creatures using biological changes and cyborg techniques.

Ellan Musk

Martin Rees said in an interview: "They have a biological shift that is relevant to their vitamin environment, and they have the motivation to use cyborg techniques, which will soon become a new species." It is possible and necessary to go to Mars in his view. Well, Ellen Musk will show who's the words he's listening to

2 rare eclipses in India in 2019

In 2019, there will be 2 types in India. Astronomical Observation Center said that there are 5 planets in the world this year.

It is said that there are 2 rare ratios in India. Also, information about this


An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when the astronomical object is temporarily hidden by the shadow of another object or another object passing between this and the viewer.

The term eclipse is often used to describe the solar eclipse that occurs when the shadow of the moon crosses the earth's surface, or the lunar eclipse that occurs in the shadow of the earth. Nevertheless, the eclipse is used for other constituencies other than Earth-Moon.

For example, a planet will move into the shadow of one of its moons, and the moon goes into the shadow of his planet. This eclipse will occur in a binary constellation.

solar eclipse:

While the center of the sun is hidden from the ground and the margin is not hidden, the sun appears with a light-ring appearance; This is called an annular eclipse or zodiac or ring cover.

Lunar eclipse

Moon Moon or lunar eclipse passes through the Moon, causing the Earth to hide from the Sun's rays on the Moon.

It only occurs when the sun, the earth, and the moon come in the same order, either very or almost; It must be in the middle of the earth to occur. This will result in the lunar eclipse in the whole moon. The type and length of the eclipse depends on where the location of the Moon is in its orbits.

5 ratios:

Rajendra Prakash Gupta, supervisor at the Jivaji Astronomical Center for Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, said five solar eclipses, including 2 full lunar eclipses in 2018, Similarly, in 2019, he has claimed to have 5 eclipses.

Can be found in India:

The lunar eclipse on July 16, 17 and the solar eclipse of December 26 next year will only be seen in India. Other eclipses explain that the daylight variation in India will not be visible in India

How to heal infections in the breasts

This breast is part of the lens of many people. But why did we refuse to accept that this is just as normal as other elements? Generally, it may be very difficult if any of these individuals are affected. It is more harmful to women than men. If there are any infections in the breast, we will do many things to fix it. But with the things in our home we can easily solve this problem. Come, let's put an end to the diseases that come in breasts. Damn why .. Many do not know the cause of breast cancer. Some people do not even know that the disease is preceded. This is the case for many. The symptoms of these breast infections are exposed when women are breastfeeding, breast tissues, pain or swelling. For some it may be a cancer. Aloe vera is a simple way to drive breast infections. Take the aloe vera gel and put it in the breast area and do it like massage. This is the best solution for you. Cactus remedies give good results to swollen, painful chests. How to Cabbage Remedies? These cabbage leaves provide a wonderful solution to solving many women's breast problems. Cabbage leaves are well washed and kept in the breast area. These leaves can be taken after 2 hours. Doing so can give you a solution to the pain in the breast and the infections of the germs. The fabric is enough ..! If you have these breast infections in general, it is best to follow this procedure. First take a cotton cloth and soak it in warm water. Next, you can crush this cloth and fill it with ice cream in the breast area

Whippile is the best antiseptic in the world. Weapil will cause a variety of illnesses in our body. Breast infections can be destroyed by breastfeeding and breastfeeding in the breast. This massage is enough ..! This massage will help you if you have a pain in the breast or something like itching. The area around the breast can be given as slightly massage. Or massage oil in the breast area. Very good times .. The oldest medical system is the method it is made with yellow. The raw material of the curcumin will be completely cured in the breast area. Mix the turmeric with water and apply it on the breast and 20 minutes after washed with warm water. Garlic Remedies This is a great benefit to all our physical problems. Similarly, it gives the same miracle to breast problems. You can eat it in the same stomach. Or the juice of the breast can be correct

Tulsi method The plant in the courtyard of the house gives a good solution to the infections that occur in your body. If you take 10 basil leaves and grind it in the breast area, the problem will be solved. Honey and lemon are good for infections like honey and lemon in the breast. 1 spoon of honey with a little lemon juice is added to the breast area

The powerful earthquake that rocked the Philippines ... the tsunami warning leave

Manila: A powerful earthquake has hit the island of Mindanao in the Philippines today, according to a tsunami in the region. A powerful earthquake occurred on the island of Mindanao in the southern part of the Philippines. The American Geological Survey Center first reported that it was recorded at 7.2 on the Richter scale. Then it was reported to 6.9 Richter. The earthquake occurred at a depth of 59 km in the earth, 193 km east of General Santos.

Due to this, the buildings in the area were shaky. No information about the damage caused by the earthquake has been reported. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says tsunami waves are likely to be formed in the Pacific coast, which is followed by the earthquake. The tsunami has been reported in the Philippine and Indonesian waters of 300 km from the area of ​​the earthquake. But there is no tsunami threat in the Hawaiian state of the United States

In the United States, 500 flights canceled due to blizzard: 3 people killed

More than 500 flights were canceled due to blizzard in the United States. Three more people were killed in the blizzard. Heavy blizzard in the US This makes snow and snow on the roads. Locations in Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas and Iowa provinces have shut down roads. Ice is found in airports between 8 and 18 inches.

This is due to airport traffic. 500 flights have been canceled. 5700 flights arrived late. Three people were killed for heavy snow. A 58-year-old woman was killed in a lightning strike in Louisiana. One died in a car accident in Kansas City. More than one person has been reported to have died