Thursday, December 20, 2018

It Is Not Around To Do PiBP Ewen Obama And Trump Hawe

Boeing 727100 - TP Cooper who escaped with the passengers and escaped the flight of $ 2 lakh in the plane.

Despite the help of various technologies, FBI did not find any information about him.

The 45-year-old has been unable to find him and the investigation is over. The efforts of former US President Bush, Barack Obama and Trump have finally been powdered.


There is a Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters in Washington, USA.

It was created on July 26, 1908. It was initiated by J. Edgar Cooper, Theodore Roosevelt, and Charles Souza Phaporty. About 35,104 people are involved in the operation.

Eagle sighted:

In any corner of the world, the criminals are properly checked when they do not expect to be accurately caught. Its uniqueness.

It is the primary task of preventing crime and capturing the offender in the face of crime. They are guilty of criminals.

Don Cooper:

One person entered the Portland International Airport in the US. He was like a Gentleman looking at Black Suite, a white tie.
It was the afternoon of 1971. Came to Seattle. He took a ticket from the name of Don Cooper. Of Boeing 727100
Climbed into the plane. He was 40 years old and was 6 feet tall. He did not seem to be like an untold styled captain like Cool.

Flight Abduction:

The flight left at 2.50 pm. He then gave a slip to the nearby Florence girl. Hello Hello. I'm going to kidnap this flight. I have a lot of bombs. The heroism was not written.

He did not get to see the lady's couch, but opened the prep cheaper. There were a lot of bombs. The Cooper who hijacked the passengers in a short time and hijacked the plane.

2 lakh US dollars:

The United States shattered. Then Cooper came forward to talk to all the competitors. When the plane landed in Seattle, 2 million US dollar notes and 4 paratroopers asked to release 2 passenger numbers. When landing in Seattle, the tank agreed to provide a lot of gasoline, including US officials

Release of passengers:

As he got stuck, he received all the requests, so he sent the passengers safely to Cooper. Later, the flight was 2 pilots, a flight attendant and engineer. McConnock was traveling with them.

Pakka Plan:

Cooper's consultation with pilots flew to the 10 thousand feet of Maxienko. The plane wing should be below 15 degrees. The Pakka Planet has been asked to fill petrol in Nebeta province.

Cooper was without any frustration when all the planes were going into the party. The Boeing 727100 was going to Mexionock at 7.30pm.


Two military aircrafts followed the one and the bottom of the flight that Cooper was traveling on. Furthermore, a little bit of space left another plane to follow the coupe.
Cooper threatened not to send the crew to the cockpit. At 8.13 pm at the back of the plane, weighed less.

Where Go Cooper:

When landing at Nebada airport, Cooper was not on the plane. I do not know how he escaped. 3 military airplanes did not appear in the eyes as the snake's eye was a snake. Everybody questioned how he escaped.

Published by Kupi Cooper:

The FBI came to the conclusion that the body should be bumping up and taking money. DP Cooper is a newspaper that has been misinterpreted and printed in the message instead of being released as Don Cooper.

This is his name. They found the place where they jumped.
With the help of passengers, the model of the couper was drawn and sent across the country.

Looking great:

In the shock of the film's robot, a huge number of helicopters, airplanes, and thousands of employees did not find any kind of effort. Even then they did not get a group. The fingerprint of the couper on the plane was just a tie clip.

Gift Announcement:

The US announced that the prize will be paid to the informer for Cooper. Furthermore, information about the serial number paid to the courier to the general public was published. It was not known where Cooper had jumped for the pilots, and this increased the hunt for the search.

9 year dollars

Nearly 9 years later, Bryan Inkor, a 8-year-old boy, had some dollar notes at the pit of the Columbia River. The case came up and the trial was speeding up.

Then there was no spray in this case. Dollar nodes found in the rupture were part of the sum of money paid to the courier. And searched in the area. No information is available.

The 20-21 century continued:

From the 20th to the 21st century. For the first time, the failure of the FBI failed to use the modern technology, and if any information was not available, the case would end.

Despite the crimes of various countries, the FBI, who finds everything, has failed to find the crime in his country

Unrealistic courage:

Nobody can catch up to this height. If he wants to jump, he must have been foolish. If not, the FBI has agreed that he must be in the form of courage.

Furthermore, the FBI said that TP Cooper may have died. Even though, the body was not found until today.

He's awesome:

DP. Cooper needs to go at a speed of 120 kilometers, and he is still alive. He also said that he would be watching the events happening.

All the abductions followed by Cooper's style were blotted. Nobody could get out of the coup. And it took the name of the couper to the world

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