Thursday, February 21, 2019

parenting tips :how to deal with your child's never ending questions

If you had to pick one word for a child of age 5 to 10 to describe them, it would be 'curious'. Children of this age are inquisitive and want to know literally everything! They seem to have taken the 5Ws and 1H too seriously without even knowing that something like that exists, and what comes out of their mouth is more often than not, a question.

If children have older siblings, a few of their questions are directed at them and it is a respite for the parents. However, first-time parents feel like they are seated on the hot-seat while their child is Amitabh Bachchan at the quiz show and they are often the lone victims of the FAQs. They may find it difficult to handle the questions sometimes, especially after a long day at work. This may cause them to lose their temper which can be harmful to the relationship between parents and children. Here is how you should handle the 'never-ending' questions that your child may ask.

One of the most important things you child needs from you is considering his/her question important and giving a good, convincing answer to it. Try to look them eye to eye when answering, so that they are able to understand better, turn down the TV or the radio and address their question. This will not only encourage them to know more, but it will also build your relationship with them.

Keep patience
Bringing up children is in itself a task that requires patience at every level. You must keep patience with your kids when they ask questions and remember that asking so many questions is, in fact, a sign of smartness.

Use visuals
When you are trying to make your child understand something that he asked, using visuals like pictures or videos is a better idea than just verbally explaining something to him or her. Not only will it make the idea more clear to your child, but it will also stay in his/her memory for a much longer time.

Admit if you don't know
Contrary to what your child believes, you are not superman, or spider-man or wonder-woman or a know-it-all. It is okay to admit to your child if you do not know the answer to their question. It makes them also feel that it is not important to know everything and they can always find out more about the world and their surroundings.

However, make sure you find out the answer and tell them later.

Learn from them
A child can also be a great teacher and there is just so much you can learn from them. Their perspective towards things can be completely different from yours and can help you look at other sides of the coin. Make sure you do not impose your beliefs or perspectives on them and let them discover their own.

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