Saturday, February 23, 2019

three health risk physical and mental of getting plastic surgery

Plastic surgeries have now become a trend in the world, especially in the film industry. So many actors and actresses have got plastic surgery done and some admit to them while most don't. The audience follows Bollywood celebrities and some do it so religiously that they want to do everything they do and be exactly like them.

However, if you are thinking of getting plastic surgery, there are some things you should know before you take the step. Plastic surgeries do not come with a no-side-effect, no-harm policy and you must really know them and consider if they are actually worth it.

Psychological and social effects
Plastic surgery can have certain adverse psychological and social effects. You may not be satisfied with the results and may still feel “inadequate” or “ugly” even after your “flaws” are corrected. This may lead to reduced self-esteem and self-image problems. Plastic surgery may also make you the topic of gossip among your social circle, something you may not be very comfortable with. It may cause anxiety issues and cause you to reduce your social interactions.

Body dysmorphic disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD is a psychological disorder that makes people perceive imperfections very strongly and want to change it. Many people across the world, including celebrities, suffer from the disorder and have had a few plastic surgeries. However, they are still unhappy with the way they look. It is important to address the issue as it is and not think of surgeries as a solution to the psychological problem.

Physical health risks
Not only can surgeries mess up your mental health because of the psychological and social effects, but it may also affect you physically in more ways than you can think of. You may get an infection, have excessive bleeding, clots, tissue death, loss of sensation, or even serious nerve damage and paralysis. It is essential to understand your health conditions before you decide to get your body “perfected” surgically.

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