Sunday, February 24, 2019

Zombie virus that begins to spread through deer? Scientists fear!

We do not need much explanation about the zombie (the mantle - the animal-like man). Because the culture of that zoo has occupied a special place among us. That is part of popular and prominent comic stories, TV series and movies.

However, most of the people who are interested in the story of this zombie story (zombie fans) are unlikely to know that this is really a disaster. They are watching this as a science fiction. But the researchers have warned that the truth is contradictory. This is a collection of its background!

How does Zombie spread?

There are countless discussions about how the zombie spread will occur. The end of those discussions goes to a point - the zombie virus is, on many occasions, it's formed and built up under a credible environment that is supported by science.


Zombie spread can be spread in two ways, one can be transmitted through a virus and spread through dramatic changes in other illnesses. The best example of this - rapes virus, this is a very serious and dangerous disease. Often it spreads through the bite of the affected animals and through its saliva.

The epidemic will go to the central nervous system and reveal many symptoms in the body. It includes tension, unease, confusion, faintness, stroke, free muscle contractions, uncontrolled sweat or emission. But the most dangerous signs are marked by anger, increased agitation and violence.

Robbie virus

So, does the Robbie virus only have enough energy to create a zombie barrier? Is it true that a future threat to humankind may be in the future? - True. But that's not the only cause of the rapese virus. One of the most dangerous infections of the 'deer zombie virus' has been found. Scientists have warned that the virus spread to 24 states in the United States and then spread to humans.

Deer zombie virus

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this chronic illness has been affected by depression in the first 24 states and two Canadian provinces in January.

Michael Osterham, Director of Research and Policy Center for Infectious Diseases at Minnesota University, told the US newspaper, USA: "We are under a situation in the unknown region. Last week Ostorum warned his state officials about the potential human effects of this virus.

What happens to humans?

Until now, this virus has no records / events that spread to humans. However, research results show that this virus can be transmitted to other animals other than humans. This means that it is more likely to spread to people through eating the deer through the antiseptic. There are other possibilities. Each year, it is estimated that between 7,000 and 15,000 animals affected by this virus are consumed. And this figure - according to Ostellum - is going to increase by 20 percent annually.

Scientists can not answer the question of what will happen if the virus spread to humans. As for the deer, the virus is spread by means of body fluids, tissues, clean water and contaminated food. It is believed to be spreading inside humans as well.

The inevitable zombie catastrophe!

Unsurprisingly, even though the movies and dramas about the zombie are very interesting, scientists have warned that it will be far worse than the situation is shown when it actually happens. Will all this happen? , While most of us do not care about this extraordinary situation, the Pentagon is taking the US seriously seriously. In 2011, the US Department of Defense has prepared a strategic plan to combat potentially possible zombie disasters and has named it 'COONOP 8888'. It is a 31-page document in three areas. The first part is a defensive plan to protect humans from the area of ​​the zombie. Second, the process of solving the threat of the Zombie. Third, restoration of society through martial law.

So is this the beginning of the zombie disaster? If you do not have any plans to escape or to protect, prepare it!

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